On sabato 2 settembre 2017 14:16:04 CEST you wrote:
> Hi Marco & Eike,
> Marco Martin 於 2017年08月31日 03:51 寫道:
> > On mercoledì 30 agosto 2017 15:07:26 CEST Franklin Weng wrote:
> >> *looking at Eike with shining eyes*
> >> Could you please tell me in more detail about "ship an applet config
> >> initialization script in look-n-feel package"?  In the package
> > 
> > documentation-wise i fear all there is is:
> > https://userbase.kde.org/KDE_System_Administration/
> > PlasmaDesktopScripting#Look_and_Feel_dependent_default_setup_for_applets
> > 
> > but says oretty much all there is to know
> > you would have in your look and feel a file called
> > contents/plasmoidsetupscripts/org.kde.plasma.kickoff.js
> > 
> > in that script you can access to a global variable called "applet"
> > to which you can access and write its configuration like the normal
> > layout.js script
> > , you would have something like:
> > 
> > applet.currentConfigGroup = ["General"]
> > applet.writeConfig("icon", "file:///usr/share/whatever/my/icon/path")
> > applet.reloadConfig();
> Thanks for your help, I've successfully customized kicker, kickoff and
> kickerdash with look-n-feel packages.  Also customized the desktop
> successfully.
> Now I'm stuck at a few more questions, which I've googled but couldn't
> find the answers:
>  1. In the
> look-and-feel/org.kde.ezgo.desktop/contents/layouts/org.kde.plasma.desktop-l
> ayout.js the contents include:
> var plasma = getApiVersion(1);
> var layout = {
>      "desktops": [
>          { "applets" : [ ], "config" : [ ... ] }
>      ]
>      "panels": [
>          {  "applets" : [...], "config": { ... } ... }
>      ]
> }

it's the config serialized in json, instead of having it all explicitly  in 
imperative javascript of applet = containment.addaApplet() etc
it's a more compact version that's fine in most cases and can still be mixed 
with imperative code if needed

Marco Martin

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