rkflx added a subscriber: sebas.
rkflx added a comment.

  Let's put is this way: Ideally the shadows of the Plasma widgets would follow 
whatever the window decoration is doing. Especially the Plasma popup widgets 
are very similar to a normal widget menu popup, from the user's point of view – 
see the link above for how inconsistent this looks sometimes. While there may 
be a point in differentiating visually between freestanding Plasma "windows" on 
the desktop and normal windows, at least the //direction// of the shadow should 
be consistent.
  Anyway, this would probably be material for a second patch. Not sure who is 
maintaining Plasma's shadows, but we should probably include him or her in the 
discussion. @mart or @sebas, please comment :)

  R31 Breeze


To: rpelorosso, #breeze, #vdg, hpereiradacosta
Cc: sebas, januz, alex-l, alake, abetts, progwolff, mvourlakos, rkflx, ngraham, 
davidedmundson, mart, plasma-devel, ZrenBot, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, 
jensreuterberg, apol

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