mart created this revision. mart added a reviewer: Plasma. Restricted Application added a project: Plasma. Restricted Application added a subscriber: plasma-devel.
REVISION SUMMARY the qqc2 theme style needs to import the same qqc2 version than the latest one available in the installed Qt, otherwise users of QQC2 will only be able to use features available in Qt 5.7, even if they have a more recent Qt installed. this will also be needed to conditionally support the icon property introduced in Qt 5.10 BUG:386289 TEST PLAN kirigami gallery works with the style installed in this way it will need a better way to figure out what the available qqc2 version is REPOSITORY R858 Qt Quick Controls 2: Desktop Style BRANCH mart/autoversion REVISION DETAIL AFFECTED FILES CMakeLists.txt org.kde.desktop/Button.qml org.kde.desktop/CheckBox.qml org.kde.desktop/CheckDelegate.qml org.kde.desktop/ComboBox.qml org.kde.desktop/Container.qml org.kde.desktop/Control.qml org.kde.desktop/Dial.qml org.kde.desktop/Dialog.qml org.kde.desktop/DialogButtonBox.qml org.kde.desktop/Drawer.qml org.kde.desktop/Frame.qml org.kde.desktop/GroupBox.qml org.kde.desktop/ItemDelegate.qml org.kde.desktop/Label.qml org.kde.desktop/Menu.qml org.kde.desktop/MenuItem.qml org.kde.desktop/Popup.qml org.kde.desktop/ProgressBar.qml org.kde.desktop/RadioButton.qml org.kde.desktop/RadioDelegate.qml org.kde.desktop/RangeSlider.qml org.kde.desktop/ScrollBar.qml org.kde.desktop/ScrollView.qml org.kde.desktop/Slider.qml org.kde.desktop/SpinBox.qml org.kde.desktop/Switch.qml org.kde.desktop/SwitchDelegate.qml org.kde.desktop/TabBar.qml org.kde.desktop/TabButton.qml org.kde.desktop/TextArea.qml org.kde.desktop/TextField.qml org.kde.desktop/ToolBar.qml org.kde.desktop/ToolButton.qml org.kde.desktop/ToolTip.qml To: mart, #plasma Cc: plasma-devel, ZrenBot, progwolff, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart