jriddell added a comment.

  This is my output from xinput which suggests it's using evdev, how do I get 
it to use libinput?
    >xinput list-props 14
    Device 'ImExPS/2 Generic Explorer Mouse':
            Device Enabled (140):   1
            Coordinate Transformation Matrix (142): 1.000000, 0.000000, 
0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
            Device Accel Profile (266):     0
            Device Accel Constant Deceleration (267):       1.000000
            Device Accel Adaptive Deceleration (268):       1.000000
            Device Accel Velocity Scaling (269):    10.000000
            Device Product ID (260):        2, 6
            Device Node (261):      "/dev/input/event13"
            Evdev Axis Inversion (270):     0, 0
            Evdev Axes Swap (272):  0
            Axis Labels (273):      "Rel X" (150), "Rel Y" (151), "Rel Horiz 
Wheel" (265), "Rel Vert Wheel" (291)
            Button Labels (274):    "Button Left" (143), "Button Middle" (144), 
"Button Right" (145), "Button Wheel Up" (146), "Button Wheel Down" (147), 
"Button Horiz Wheel Left" (148), "Button Horiz Wheel Right" (149), "Button 
Side" (289), "Button Extra" (290), "Button Unknown" (263), "Button Unknown" 
(263), "Button Unknown" (263), "Button Unknown" (263)
            Evdev Scrolling Distance (275): 1, 1, 1
            Evdev Middle Button Emulation (276):    0
            Evdev Middle Button Timeout (277):      50
            Evdev Middle Button Button (278):       2
            Evdev Third Button Emulation (279):     0
            Evdev Third Button Emulation Timeout (280):     1000
            Evdev Third Button Emulation Button (281):      3
            Evdev Third Button Emulation Threshold (282):   20
            Evdev Wheel Emulation (283):    0
            Evdev Wheel Emulation Axes (284):       0, 0, 4, 5
            Evdev Wheel Emulation Inertia (285):    10
            Evdev Wheel Emulation Timeout (286):    200
            Evdev Wheel Emulation Button (287):     4
            Evdev Drag Lock Buttons (288):  0

  R119 Plasma Desktop


To: xuetianweng, ngraham, #plasma, jriddell
Cc: jriddell, apol, rkflx, plasma-devel, ZrenBot, progwolff, lesliezhai, 
ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, mart

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