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Plasma Team meeting, 11-12-2017

Present: romangg, d_ed, notmart, bshah, Sho_

Pushed Night Color / LibColorCorrect patches to KWin, plasma-workspace and 
plasma-desktop. Testers welcome :)
There is currently still a discussion about if the kcm should be shown on X or 
hidden. It currently looks like this on X: https://imgur.com/a/sYBdQ
I'm for showing it because (a) users know this way that this functionality 
exists in general (b) we won't get hit with dozens of bug reports asking where 
they can activate this functionality they heared about on omgubuntu / phoronix. 
(c) gives user small push to try out wayland

- Working on some startup improvements
- With aleix, we fixed a deadlock in ksmserver which has a huge impact on 
- Then lots of minor things related to that
- I need some reviews on me removing multihead

* almost kill the packageurlinterceptor usen in plasma, seems speed up things a 
bit: https://phabricator.kde.org/D9124
* kpackage loading binary rcc files: performance increase looks promising, 
patches all over the place, most pushed, still to go:
** https://phabricator.kde.org/D9197
** https://phabricator.kde.org/D9237
* global menu: make it depening on available visualizations (plasmoid or kwin 
button) not internal settings:
** https://phabricator.kde.org/D9215
** https://phabricator.kde.org/D9216
** https://phabricator.kde.org/D9267
* starting to look into adding autostart of apps support in look and feel, for 
latte-dock (or plank, or conky, or whatever sillyness users want)

- Fixed plasma mobile images
- Some bugs which I need help with
    - huge scrollbars
    - broken struts
- working on packaging multimedia bits will have next image with it

* Wrote a patch for Plasma::Svg not to tear down the renderer and repaint when 
setImagePath is called with the same arg again, speeds up both plasmashell 
startup (0.5%) and Simple Menu opening
* Wrote another patch for Plasma::Svg to cache the scale factor to initialize 
with in a static member to work being done twice on systems with non-1x 
scaling, speeds up plasmashell startup by 2%
* Spent some more time banging on Plasma::Svg, chased down some rabbit holes, 
didn't find anything too promising
* Implemented QQmlParserStatus in FolderModel, saves some churn during 
* Wrote a patch to reduce vertical gutter width in Folder View icon views based 
on user feedback, needs more work though
* Wrote an optimization patch for the panel containment, saving one object per 
* Wrote a patch for Plasma::FrameSvgItem avoiding an update during 
instanciation before the component is complete
* Wrote a patch for KNotification to lazy-instanciate & lazy-load plugins, 
speeds up login time as well as mem usage of basically all apps, as well as 
shortens latency of their first notification event - helps with Plasma startup 
speed via kded notifications
* Moved KGamma init to the right autostart phase to speed up login a little bit
* Came up with a plan for how to move KAccess out of early startup, make more 
of it work on Wayland and kill its permanent process - the bell goes into a 
KWin effect, the screen reader toggle action goes into a kded module, the rest 
goes into regular autostart
* Minor improvement to existing KAccess KCMInit to save a config file read 
during login
* Wrote patch to speed up plasmashell startup and save a little memory by not 
setting a window icon (it's not needed due to NET::WM2DesktopFileName)
* Resurrected David's patch speeding up Plasma::Dialog and saving some memory 
by not setting a window icon (it's not needed due to NET::WM2DesktopFileName)
* Wrote patches to speed up xembedsniproxy, kactivitymanagerd and kglobalaccel5 
startups by not loading KDE platform module
* Wrote a patch for the Virtual Desktops KCM to make the number-of-rows field 
to have the correct lower bound of 1 instead of 0 (user bug report came in 
during the day)
* Ported launch feedback KCM rewrite to new base items from Marco's patch, done 
from my end
* Sped up Simple Menu opening by reducing delegate complexity and reworking 
delegate pre-caching
* Reworked Simple Menu keyboard navigation:
** Arrow nav after enterign search terms works again
** Horizontal arrow nav through search results works immediately, no need to 
arrow down into the grid first
** Tab/Shift+Tab now work to cycle through the search field, the system 
favorites and the category list
* Released Simple Menu v1.0.5 and v1.0.6 (performance work + keyboard work + 
* Worked around a Qt bug causing a scroll indicator line to appear at the 
bottom of Simple Menu pages (which can't be scrolled vertically ...), fix is in 
* Ported ksystraycmd to KF5 (https://cgit.kde.org/scratch/hein/ksystraycmd.git/)
* Non-Plasma: Improved Dolphin startup speed on systems without kio-stash 
installed (i.e. most) by using a faster way to determine whether it is 
installed or not
* Personal: On vacation Dec 18th-Jan 2nd


‎[20:04] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ MEETING TIME
‎[20:04] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ Who's here
‎[20:04] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ Sho_: sorry, best you do it, internet bit flaky
‎[20:04] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎ I am here
‎[20:04] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ sure
‎[20:04] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ here
‎[20:04] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ note: everyone who's not here is by implication not a cool 
‎[20:04] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ here
‎[20:04] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ puh
‎[20:04] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ :)
‎[20:04] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ kbroulik? sebas? Riddell?
‎[20:05] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ can I go first? have to leave early for lunch.
‎[20:05] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ sure
‎[20:05] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ i'll assume bshah is here as well given the above
‎[20:05] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ romangg starts so he can lunch, because he's mean and 
doesn't want to read us
‎[20:05] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ i read it later!! i promise!!!
‎[20:05] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ Pushed Night Color / LibColorCorrect patches to KWin, 
plasma-workspace and plasma-desktop. Testers welcome :)
‎[20:05] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ (on wayland)
‎[20:06] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ of course (/me hides a tear anyway)
‎[20:06] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ There is currently still a discussion about if the kcm 
should be shown on X or hidden. It currently looks like this on X: 
‎[20:06] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ I'm for showing it because (a) users know this way that 
this functionality exists in general (b) we won't get hit with dozens of bug 
reports asking where they can activate this functionality they heared about on 
omgubuntu / phoronix. (c) gives user small push to try out wayland
‎[20:06] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ but we could also hide it on X with a flag in desktop 
‎[20:06] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ tricky, I could also imagine it causing user frustration
‎[20:07] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎ I don't see how
‎[20:07] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎ the only people who have read it, will be KDE fanboys who 
will have also read the line about wayland
‎[20:07] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ d_ed: you're responding to Sho_ or to (b)?
‎[20:07] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎ b
‎[20:08] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ In general I'm a fan of not hiding functionality but 
showing unavailable options and what you need to do for it to become available
‎[20:08] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ well, you for sure hold our users in high regard...
‎[20:08] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ i think wayland specific stuff shouldn't even be visible 
on x, as i imagine there may be more and more in the future
‎[20:08] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ giving an half-greyed out systemsettings
‎[20:08] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ but this will cause some pissy people who say "why do you 
make features wayland exclusive when wayland is still unusable"
‎[20:09] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ on X they can still use Redshift of course.
‎[20:09] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ but I see that people want to hide it. so I'll look into 
adding this flag
‎[20:09] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ ...after lunch
‎[20:09] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎ romangg: X-KDE-OnlyShowOnQtPlatforms=wayland
‎[20:09] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ d_ed: thanks
‎[20:09] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ I'm undecided, I see arguments for both, so I'm fine with 
whatever you decide
‎[20:09] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ I'm also looking into kdesrc-build at the moment to 
figure out if a cross compile would be possible
‎[20:10] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ if you decide wrong, I can later say I saw it coming, 
‎[20:10] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ features will be wayland-exclusive anyways
‎[20:10] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ nice. the politician :P
‎[20:10] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ I also want to push for T5653 in the next weeks.
‎[20:10] ‎<‎sKreamer‎>‎ Task 5653 "[kwin] Screen recording in Wayland session" 
[Open,High] {KWin,Plasma on Wayland} https://phabricator.kde.org/T5653
‎[20:10] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ (and in general, every new kwin feature will probably be 
‎[20:10] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ I was at a United Nations meeting today
‎[20:10] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ would be great if we can have it in 5.12
‎[20:10] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎ romangg: good luck
‎[20:10] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ forgive me for being politicky
‎[20:11] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ ok, next
‎[20:11] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ next is d_ed
‎[20:11] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎  - Working on some startup improvements
‎[20:11] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎  - With aleix, we fixed a deadlock in ksmserver which has a 
huge impact on everyone
‎[20:11] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎  - Then lots of minor things related to that
‎[20:11] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎  - I need some reviews on me removing multihead
‎[20:12] --> Son_Goku (~King_InuY@fedora/ngompa) has joined this channel.
‎[20:12] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ finally, all multihead bugs gone
‎[20:12] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ hail hydra
‎[20:12] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ Phoronix: Plasma removes support for multiple monitors
‎[20:12] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ heh
‎[20:12] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ you done d_ed?
‎[20:12] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎ I wrote a line in the bottom of every review saying 
multihead != multiscreen to expect that
‎[20:12] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎ yep
‎[20:12] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ then notmart is next
‎[20:12] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ ok
‎[20:12] <-- xamindar_ (~quas...@71-15-99-150.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com) has 
left this server (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
‎[20:13] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ hm, expect skreamer to go crazy...
‎[20:13] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ * almost kill the packageurlinterceptor usen in plasma, 
seems speed up things a bit: https://phabricator.kde.org/D9124
‎[20:13] ‎<‎sKreamer‎>‎ Diff 9124 "make packageurlinterceptor as noop as 
possible" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D9124
‎[20:13] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ * kpackage loading binary rcc files: performance 
increase looks promising, patches all over the place, most pushed, still to go:
‎[20:13] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ ** https://phabricator.kde.org/D9197
‎[20:13] ‎<‎sKreamer‎>‎ Diff 9197 "experimental support for rcc files loading 
in kpackage" [Needs Revision] https://phabricator.kde.org/D9197
‎[20:13] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ ** https://phabricator.kde.org/D9237
‎[20:13] ‎<‎sKreamer‎>‎ Diff 9237 "port wallpaper config fialog to 
Package::fileUrl" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D9237
‎[20:13] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ * global menu: make it depening on available 
visualizations (plasmoid or kwin button) not internal settings:
‎[20:13] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ ** https://phabricator.kde.org/D9215
‎[20:13] ‎<‎sKreamer‎>‎ Diff 9215 "Make Appmenu work based on the presence of a 
visual representation" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D9215
‎[20:13] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ ** https://phabricator.kde.org/D9216
‎[20:13] ‎<‎sKreamer‎>‎ Diff 9216 "export org.kde.appmenuview" [Needs Review] 
‎[20:13] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ ** https://phabricator.kde.org/D9267
‎[20:13] ‎<‎sKreamer‎>‎ Diff 9267 "remove menubar settings" [Needs Review] 
‎[20:13] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ * starting to look into adding autostart of apps support 
in look and feel, for latte-dock (or plank, or conky, or whatever sillyness 
users want)
‎[20:13] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ shut up :)
‎[20:13] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ questions?
‎[20:14] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ Phoronix: Plasma removes menu support
‎[20:14] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ bshah is next
‎[20:14] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ okay
‎[20:14] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ - Fixed plasma mobile images
‎[20:14] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ - Some bugs which I need help with
‎[20:14] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎     - huge scrollbars
‎[20:14] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎     - broken struts
‎[20:15] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ - working on packaging multimedia bits will have next 
image with it
‎[20:15] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ - end
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ Phoronix: Plasma adopts huge scrollbars
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ I'll close then
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * Wrote a patch for Plasma::Svg not to tear down the 
renderer and repaint when setImagePath is called with the same arg again, 
speeds up both plasmashell startup (0.5%) and Simple Menu opening
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * Wrote another patch for Plasma::Svg to cache the scale 
factor to initialize with in a static member to work being done twice on 
systems with non-1x scaling, speeds up plasmashell startup by 2%
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * Spent some more time banging on Plasma::Svg, chased down 
some rabbit holes, didn't find anything too promising
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * Implemented QQmlParserStatus in FolderModel, saves some 
churn during initialization
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * Wrote a patch to reduce vertical gutter width in Folder 
View icon views based on user feedback, needs more work though
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * Wrote an optimization patch for the panel containment, 
saving one object per applet
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * Wrote a patch for Plasma::FrameSvgItem avoiding an update 
during instanciation before the component is complete
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * Wrote a patch for KNotification to lazy-instanciate & 
lazy-load plugins, speeds up login time as well as mem usage of basically all 
apps, as well as shortens latency of their first notification event - helps 
with Plasma startup speed via kded notifications
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * Moved KGamma init to the right autostart phase to speed 
up login a little bit
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * Came up with a plan for how to move KAccess out of early 
startup, make more of it work on Wayland and kill its permanent process - the 
bell goes into a KWin effect, the screen reader toggle action goes into a kded 
module, the rest goes into regular autostart
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * Minor improvement to existing KAccess KCMInit to save a 
config file read during login
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * Wrote patch to speed up plasmashell startup and save a 
little memory by not setting a window icon (it's not needed due to 
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * Resurrected David's patch speeding up Plasma::Dialog and 
saving some memory by not setting a window icon (it's not needed due to 
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * Wrote patches to speed up xembedsniproxy, 
kactivitymanagerd and kglobalaccel5 startups by not loading KDE platform module
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * Wrote a patch for the Virtual Desktops KCM to make the 
number-of-rows field to have the correct lower bound of 1 instead of 0 (user 
bug report came in during the day)
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * Ported launch feedback KCM rewrite to new base items from 
Marco's patch, done from my end
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * Sped up Simple Menu opening by reducing delegate 
complexity and reworking delegate pre-caching
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * Reworked Simple Menu keyboard navigation:
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ ** Arrow nav after enterign search terms works again
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ ** Horizontal arrow nav through search results works 
immediately, no need to arrow down into the grid first
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ ** Tab/Shift+Tab now work to cycle through the search 
field, the system favorites and the category list
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * Released Simple Menu v1.0.5 and v1.0.6 (performance work 
+ keyboard work + hotfix)
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * Worked around a Qt bug causing a scroll indicator line to 
appear at the bottom of Simple Menu pages (which can't be scrolled vertically 
...), fix is in plasma-framework
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * Ported ksystraycmd to KF5 
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * Non-Plasma: Improved Dolphin startup speed on systems 
without kio-stash installed (i.e. most) by using a faster way to determine 
whether it is installed or not
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * Personal: On vacation Dec 18th-Jan 2nd

And the rest from another client due to a spam flood kill after pasting the 

notmart (IRC)
20:16yeah, i got this warning by the spam thing as well :/

bshah (IRC)
20:16Fuchs: ^

d_ed (IRC)
20:16he did a kamikaze git log

notmart (IRC)
20:16really looks like irc is on its last legs and need matrix asap...
20:17either you get spammers or anti spam bots that kill you for nothing

Sho_ (IRC)
20:17I got floodkilled
20:18here's my full report including my vacation notice at the end: 

pursuivant (IRC)
20:18kde-gtk-config (master) v5.11.2-19-geec9a6c * Jan Grulich: (2 files in 
2 dirs)
20:18Fix build
20:18When building gtk2 based stuff we need to be sure gtk2 includes are 
included first
20:18and also search properly for gio includes
kde-gtk-config.git - GTK2 and GTK3 Configurator for KDE.
index : kde-gtk-config.git 2.1 2.2 Plasma/5.10 Plasma/5.11 Plasma/5.2 
Plasma/5.3 Plasma/5.4 Plasma/5.5 Plasma/5.6 Plasma/5.7 Plasma/5.8 Plasma/5.9 

Sho_ (IRC)
20:18unless there's questions that's /meeting

d_ed (IRC)
20:18Sho_: anything stuck in review?

Sho_ (IRC)
20:18d_ed: the dolphin patch and the kglobalaccel5 one

d_ed (IRC)
20:18ok, I know them

Sho_ (IRC)
20:18everything else is in
20:18which makes me 99% happy

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