hpereiradacosta added a comment.

  Also, checking the patch online, it also indirecly changes color handling. In 
the previous implementation, focus color was used to render the 
'non-mouse-over' scrollbar for the widget with focus. This is not the case 
anymore with this patch, because "disabled" is used unconditionally, when not 
mouse over. I am not sure this is a good thing. Maybe focus color should be 
preserved on the thin scrollbar.

  R31 Breeze


To: mart, #plasma, #kirigami, #vdg, hpereiradacosta
Cc: plasma-devel, ZrenBot, progwolff, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, 
abetts, sebas, apol, davidedmundson, mart, hein

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