On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 7:51 PM, Martin Flöser <mgraess...@kde.org> wrote:
> Am 2018-01-17 18:18, schrieb Roman Gilg:
>> Hi,
>> Valorie, do we have until 23rd with project ideas? I didn't want to
>> mentor this year because I only was a GSoC student last year, but
>> since there are not yet many ideas from Plasma/KWin I might do it
>> anyway.
> I'm not able to mentor this year (due to conflicting hobby), but I had some
> ideas:
> * fuzzing in kwayland
> * wacom tablet support (libinput in KWin, useful support in KWin, KWayland
> protocol, QtWayland protocol)

since i was toying around tablet mode stuff lately, i tought of a
thing i would like to see in kwin when switching to tablet mode, that
maybe is appropriately sized for a gsoc, do you think the following is
a good idea?
when going in tablet mode, i would like window placement to be
maximized, window borders to be absent when maximized ( both of which
i think would be currently feasible with a fairly trivial script, just
to expose tablet mode to scripting i guess) and slightly more
complicated, some kind of gesture/ui similar to windows 10 split
screen mode, visible here:

which would be some kind of combination of maximizing a window to take
half of the screen, which is supported with showing a kindof alt+tab
ui on the half that't free.
In the end should all be done in a (script? effect?) so is easy to
disable altogether thing is, how much of the core has to be touched to
allow such an extension.

Marco Martin

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