Am 2018-02-10 14:53, schrieb Bhushan Shah:

so in plasma-phone shell, we have this code,

Which essentially sets window to fullscreen and the skiptaskbar,

but this results in weird plasmashell "hang" when used on phone with top
panel. So I tried to port it to use PlasmaShellInterface and
ShellInterface to set it fullscreen and skip taskbar.


But turns out this is not easy as I thought, it results in protocol
error as both shellinterface and plasmashellinterface can't be used in
single surface.

Thoughts on how to resolve this? i.e have skiptaskbar and fullscreen
window at same time? Maybe we need to add fullscreen in

Just remove everything related to the shellsurface. You don't need that as Qt takes care of creating the shell surface.

Btw. I suggest to also set a "proper" window type for the window, e.g. make it a Dock to ensure the panel can go above other fullscreen windows.


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