davidedmundson added a comment.

  > (btw that leak i think should be solved, @davidedmundson also has a rewrite 
of the wallpaper code which should make it take less memory, as right now the 
first few times it changes memory gooes up not for an actual leak but more for 
the management not being correct)
  At the risk of getting offtopic. The leak is not in Plasma code, no matter 
how amazingly I rewrote the wallpaper it won't make a difference there. Sorry :/

  R133 KScreenLocker


To: ngraham, #plasma, #vdg, graesslin, abetts
Cc: Fuchs, broulik, davidedmundson, zzag, Pitel, progwolff, abetts, hein, mart, 
graesslin, plasma-devel, ZrenBot, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, 
sebas, apol

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