On Tue, May 8, 2018 at 8:57 PM, Martin Flöser <mgraess...@kde.org> wrote:
> Am 8. Mai 2018 17:05:57 MESZ schrieb Aleix Pol <aleix...@kde.org>:
>>I've been looking into getting a consistent cursor look on wayland,
>>which is specially daunting because of scaling.
>>I'd like to look into fixing it for xwayland clients. Would somebody
>>be able to shed some light into the issue so I can understand it and
>>fix it?
> Xwayland clients use the normal X11 API to set cursors. Xwayland just 
> forwards them through the Wayland protocol. The env variable for cursor size 
> is the same on Wayland and X11, so there should not be any difference.
> I'm not sure what exactly you want to look into. Personally I had the feeling 
> that apps started to act crazy concerning cursor sizes - on Wayland and on 
> X11. Normally there just should not be any difference. There's one env 
> variable controlling it and if all apps would just use it and not do crazy 
> stuff instead it would just work.

Well, setting the cursor size isn't any useful if you have two
monitors. I have it configured at resolution-dependent at the moment
and sometimes I lose my cursor on my high dpi screen.
If I use something bigger, when I move it to my external monitor I get
a monstrosity.

David mentioned at the sprint that we maybe should be correcting its
scale on the kwin size, if it's not being scaled yet.


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