progwolff added a comment.

  In D12849#263865 <>, @rkflx wrote:
  > Did not review the code, but I noticed some warnings in addition to those 
mentioned above:
  >   share/kpackage/kcms/kcm_fonts/contents/ui/main.qml:230:25: QML Image: 
Invalid image provider: image://preview/0_0.png
  >   …
  >   share/kpackage/kcms/kcm_fonts/contents/ui/main.qml:273:17: QML SpinBox: 
Binding loop detected for property "value"
  The first isn't critical and exists since the previews were introduced. I 
will try to fix this in a separate commit.
  The second on doesn't show up for me...
  In D12849#263865 <>, @rkflx wrote:
  > Not really related to this patch, but it would be great if you could work 
on or file bugs for some of the following issues (not sure whether Kirigami or 
Fonts KCM problem):
  > - Preview comboboxes: Weird vertical placement of the popup (compared to 
QWidget comboboxes).
  > - Preview comboboxes: Clicking outside does not close the popup.
  > - Radio buttons: Horizontal spacing between radio button and text on the 
right is too large compared to the QWidget counterpart.
  I will try to address these problems (in some days or so).
  Not sure if this patch should be landed in this half-finished state. Might be 
an improvement, but might also be perceived as a regression.
  I'm away for some hours now, so if anyone feels that this patch should go in, 
please feel free to land it.

  R119 Plasma Desktop

  fonts_kcm_layout (branched from master)


To: progwolff, mart, abetts, ngraham
Cc: broulik, zzag, rkflx, plasma-devel, ragreen, Pitel, ZrenBot, lesliezhai, 
ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart

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