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> davidedmundson wrote in screenpool.cpp:108
> Either this is a valid case to be in, and this assert doesn't make sense.
> Or we should never be in this case, and the patch doesn't make sense.
> I don't fully understand the background of how we end up in this situation to 
> say which it is.

This is a valid case, and the assert doesn't make sense, it needs to be removed.

In the case described in the test plan, the old primary display ist HDMI-3, the 
new primary is HDMI-2. If HDMI-2 is plugged in and "extend to right" is 
selected in the OSD, the QGuiApplication::screenAdded signal starts 

This checks, if the new screen is redundant (ShellCorona::isOutputRedundant). 
At this time, both have the same geometry (two equal screens, QRect(0,0 
1920x1080)), so yes, the new screen is considered redundant and not added to 
the screen pool.

There is already some remedy against this wrong assumption:
On the signal QGuiApplication::primaryScreenChanged 
ShellCorona::primaryOutputChanged is called. Here, with 
m_reconsiderOutputsTimer.start() ShellCorona::reconsiderOutputs() is run at a 
later time, which will correct this.

But that's too late for the primary change: before reconsiderOutputs()  is run, 
ScreenPool::setPrimaryConnector( newPrimary->name() ) is called. Here, 
m_idForConnector does not contain this new primary, it only knows "HDMI-3", 
which is still mapped to 0.

If the Q_ASSERT is disabled, m_idForConnector.value(primary (The new primary 
HDMI-2!) ) returns 0, so both HDMI-2 and HDMI-3 are mapped to 0 in 
m_idForConnector, and m_connectorForId[0] is set to "HDMI-2", so the mapping to 
HDMI-3 is lost.

The other case, booting with HDMI-2 and hotplugging HDMI-3 works, because in 
ShellCorona::isOutputRedundant, geometries are different: HDMI-2 has: QRect(0,0 
1920x1080) and HDMI-3: QRect(1920,0 1920x1080), so one doesn't contain the 

  R120 Plasma Workspace


To: hoffmannrobert, #plasma, mart, davidedmundson
Cc: davidedmundson, ngraham, plasma-devel, ragreen, Pitel, ZrenBot, lesliezhai, 
ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart

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