ngraham added a comment.

  Apparently people are passionate about font sizes. :)
  after reading everyone's comments here, it seems like this will probably not 
work on its own, but has usefully exposed a number of other changes that we 
should make before revisiting it (if we ever do):
  First of all, it seems confusing and unnecessary to have multiple methods of 
adjusting the scale of the user interface:
  - Force Fonts DPI in the Fonts KCM. I've been told before that this is an 
ugly hack that people shouldn't use, but maybe that's not true?
  - Adjusting the font size in the Fonts KCM automatically adjusts the size of 
user interface elements in a similar manner to the Force Fonts DPI setting.
  - User interface scaling in the KScreen KCM. This appears to be the 
recommended method, though it's still quite buggy and exposes a lot of visual 
artifacts, which are steadily being fixed, to be fair. Also, it currently only 
supports integer scale factors in Wayland.
  - Resolution slider/combobox in the KScreen KCM. This is probably not 
something users should use for scaling the UI (do people change their screen 
resolutions very often anymore), but it's there anyway.
  Second, it seems like we should do some scaling automatically so that people 
don't see radically different sizes for their user interface depending on the 
DPI of their screen. If you measured window titlebars with a caliper on 
multiple screens of different DPI values, the height should always be the same. 
This should also be automatic out of the box if possible, so that people don't 
need to manually configure it to get it to work. I think users would really 
love this feature, which would in practice probably depend on sorting out the 
first issue first.
  Third, //maybe// it makes sense to increase the titlebar font by a bit in 
order to emphasize it, but 13pt bold is super excessive.
  Does this sound sensible to everyone who's chimed in here?

  R119 Plasma Desktop


To: ngraham, #plasma, #kde_applications, valorie, #vdg
Cc: mart, oysteins, rooty, filipf, safaalfulaij, rikmills, harmathy, rkflx, 
abetts, davidedmundson, rizzitello, plasma-devel, ragreen, Pitel, ZrenBot, 
lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, sebas, apol

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