smithjd added a comment.

  In D13291#314199 <>, @bruns wrote:
  > In D13291#314195 <>, @smithjd 
  > > kioclient5 ls settings:/
  > > system-administration
  > >
  > > dolphin settings:/
  > >  System Administration
  > In dolphin, you can click on "System Administration". With kioclient5, I 
can use `kioclient5 ls settings:/system-administration` (dito for dolphin). 
Does this still work after your change?
  "The file or folder System Administration does not exist."
  This used to work for the Baloo tags:// ioslave, though it's less useful for 
that now that the slave no longer appends the full url to the filename. The 
working command was something like kioclient5 cp tags:/foo/. ~/bar. This 
successfully duplicated the tagged files and tag folder structure. I can't 
remember if I tested a single file, though if you needed a single file you 
probably wouldn't be digging in the tags:// ioslave anyway...

  R126 KDE CLI Utilities


To: smithjd, #plasma
Cc: ngraham, bruns, michaelh, plasma-devel, ragreen, Pitel, ZrenBot, 
lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart

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