sharvey added a comment.

  I believe what you're perceiving in the XML file is in fact the result of a 
lot of changes made to the layout. Unneeded columns, rows, and spacers were 
deleted, causing "gaps" in the old XML file. In places, I added options like 
column spans and justifications. The XML file changed a lot.
  In my opinion - which you can take or leave - I don't believe these XML files 
were intended to be human-read. The UI they generate is where the judgement and 
checking should come from, not the convoluted XML generated by QtCreator. I've 
seen diffs much larger than this one.
  Truthfuly, I'm not clear on what you expect me to do. The UI works fine. 
Monkeying with the XML to make it "pretty" seems a bit pointless.
  I've got an email chain of 48 messages for a simple string change. And I 
expect it's only going to grow. This has been nitpicked to death, and I'm not 
sure why. We've beaten this dead horse to a pulp.
  @bruns - If you know what you want done with the XML file, I'll gladly let 
you do it. I simply don't get it.
  @ngraham  - You know I'm not combative or confrontational by nature. But this 
is beyond my understanding.

  R121 Policykit (Polkit) KDE Agent


To: sharvey, bruns, ngraham, davidedmundson
Cc: davidedmundson, bruns, ngraham, plasma-devel, ragreen, Pitel, ZrenBot, 
lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart

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