svenmauch added a comment.

  In D14949#334937 <>, @graesslin 
  > Please don't introduce options based on what's unpopular on Reddit.
  I'm not suggesting we should base new options entirely off reddit opinions. 
That would be short-sighted. :)
  However I see no harm in adding to this discussion that changes or new 
options to OSD would be welcomed by a number people. Certainly falls under the 
category "quick and dirty user research" but then again, why disregard it 
  From what I gathered so far there is a need (more or less) for a less 
obstrusive and a completely hidden OSD. I'd get behind three options so we 
don't overcomplicate things: classic, compact, none.
  Of course I'm open to arguments why we shouldn't do this. :)


To: anonym, #vdg
Cc: graesslin, svenmauch, ngraham, romangg, mart, broulik, plasma-devel, 
ragreen, Pitel, ZrenBot, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, 
sebas, apol

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