cgiboudeaux added a comment.

  In D18244#394859 <>, @rikmills wrote:
  > This breaks NeonKubuntu builds, whereas previously the builds were working 
as I explicitly had added python3-cairo to the build depends. It is there 
still, but cmake thinks not.
  > EDIT: seems specific to cmake < 3.12 in Bionic. Kubuntu Cosmic/Disco build 
with cmake 3.12 finds python3-cairo, but fails on another issue probably 
related a different recent commit.
  > > 02:43:04 -- The following REQUIRED packages have not been found:
  > >  02:43:04 
  > >  02:43:04  * PythonCairo
  > >  02:43:04    Required to render assets
  From the build log:
  > 03:42:04 The following NEW packages will be installed:
  >   [...] libcairo-script-interpreter2{a} libcairo2-dev{a}
  python3-cairo isn't installed.

  R98 Breeze for Gtk


To: davidedmundson, #plasma, ngraham, cgiboudeaux, zzag
Cc: rikmills, ngraham, zzag, plasma-devel, jraleigh, GB_2, ragreen, Pitel, 
ZrenBot, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart

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