On Sat, Apr 6, 2019 at 12:55 PM Juan Carlos Torres <juc...@kdemail.net> wrote:
> Hi Jonathan and David!
> Thanks for the replies and sorry for not getting back to you ASAP.
> It's good there's Workboard for some of those tasks already. Will be
> easier to keep track of them at least and hopefully we can get the ball
> rolling in the next few months. Wish it could be faster but if we had
> enough manpower for docs, we wouldn't be in this state in the first place.
> I thought that the desktop scripting tutorials are going to be moved to
> userbase (the Plasma ones are already there):
> https://userbase.kde.org/KDE_System_Administration/PlasmaDesktopScripting
> Regardless, both scripting guides would have to be updated anyway and
> it's quite a lengthy one.
> It does seem we have a bit of a problem with QML support in our apidocs.
> If I'm not mistaken, it's a limitation with Doxygen that KApidox uses. It does
> already use Doxyqml but the output is less than ideal. It's another area
> we'll have to investigate whether it can be approved or, if not, use a 
> different
> system like how ECM and the HIG do it (with Sphinx).
Doxyqml is about input rather than output.

We have 3 cases:
1) C++ - > used by C++ devs
2) C++ - > used by QML devs (currently the same docs as #1)
3) QML  -> used by QML devs

Doxyqml makes QML readable by doxygen to give a similar output as 1 & 2.


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