On Thu, 25 Apr 2019 at 00:23, Aleix Pol <aleix...@kde.org> wrote:

> Having a recommendation could make sense, but it's more a policy that
> the distro should have more than Plasma, given we cannot regulate
> something that isn't in our control.

We do already have a recommendation which is our default install, which
currently seems to say we trust Snap Store, Flathub but not Appimagehub.
Maybe that's fine but it should be a conscious decision we make. We could
also take some responsibility for investigating what the policies of these
stores are about updates etc and publishing that for our users to
distributors to understand.

And in the brave new world of containerised packages it may not be long
before KDE provides a package of Discover to install direct in which case
it's even more our responsibility.


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