mart added a comment.

  This is the rough patch which gives a rough implementation of this look into 
qwidget config dialogs
  F6866217: fullsidebar.diff <>
  The real hack which I consider a no-go (and no idea how to avoid) is this 
  - layout->addWidget(mButtonBox);
  +            if (mPageWidget && mPageWidget->layout()) {
  +                mButtonBox->setParent(mPageWidget);
static_cast<QGridLayout*>(mPageWidget->layout())->addWidget(mButtonBox, 4, 1);
  +            } else {
  +                layout->addWidget(mButtonBox);
  +            }
  it reparents the buttonbox inside the pagewidget itself to have the buttons 
laid out considering the sidebar.
  This will break badly and possibily crash in many situations, so ideas for 
alternative implementations welcome :D

  R119 Plasma Desktop


To: filipf, #vdg, #plasma, ngraham, abetts
Cc: mart, broulik, GB_2, hein, plasma-devel, ericadams, jraleigh, ragreen, 
Pitel, ZrenBot, himcesjf, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, 
sebas, apol

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