
On pondělí 1. července 2019 12:43:15 CEST Marco Martin wrote:
> David:
> * at the plasma sprint
> * ok so, not only is Qt5.13.0 wayland completely broken
> so is 5.12.4
> * I've fixed all upstream, but I'll need to do some work with
> packagers to avoid this becoming an issue I think.
> * SHM buffers after show/restore  due to one bug (so all QMenus)
> * And QtQuick buffers after show/restore (due to another bug!) that's
> something unrelated due to the SRGB stuf

David, do you plan to drop an email to the packagers list about this ? We had 
same problem in Fedora and I saw your patches on review so I backported them. 
The issue introduced in Qt 5.12.4 / 5.13.0 with the menus not appearing again 
or Yakuake or Spectacle not showing is pretty annoying.

Here are all patches picked from current 5.12 branch or from your reviews. 


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