Hi Torklid,
Are you looking at building the SWT libraries and source?
You can do that using the existing ant scripts in the SWT repository. You need to call the specific target depending on the required output.
Go into the swt-gtk fragment
cd eclipse.platform.swt.binaries/bundles/org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.x86_64
To build the native libraries and swt-gtk java source, run the ant script build.xml which is there at the location.
1. Build swt-gtk native libraries 
ant -f  build.xml build_libraries
2. Build the jar 
ant -f  build.xml build.jars
To create a zip with native libraries and source
1. Build swt-gtk native libraries 
ant -f  build.xml build_libraries
2. Build source and create zip with everything included
ant -f  build.xml swtdownload
If you are not interested in the building the native libraries and use the existing libraries from the fragment, please skip the build_libraries step.
Please let me know if I missed something.
Thanks & Regards,
Lakshmi P Shanmugam,
Eclipse Platform Co-lead,
India Software Lab, Bangalore
----- Original message -----
From: "Torkild U. Resheim" <torki...@gmail.com>
Sent by: platform-dev-boun...@eclipse.org
To: platform-dev@eclipse.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [platform-dev] Preparing SWT native code for building from a shell?
Date: Mon, Jul 8, 2019 4:55 AM
Hi Platform developers,

I'm picking up an old project of mine again, building the Eclipse Platform for the Raspberry Pi[1].

The new Raspberry Pi 4 should be able to cope with the Eclipse IDE much better than the previous versions, although I'm mostly interested in using PiPlug as one can see in the screenshot[2] in a home automation project.

I wanted to write a script that did most of the job and came over an issue. In order to build the SWT binaries I first have to import the "eclipse.platform.swt" project into eclipse, rename the ".classpath_gtk" file then do a build in order to prepare the code into the "bin" folder. So I am wondering whether you are aware of a way of doing this step without having to start Eclipse and invoke a build. I would prefer to be able to do everything from a bash script, including copying the files to an actual Raspberry Pi and do the compilation there.

I've looked at the "SWT Classpath Builder.launch" code, but I see no way of running that outside of Eclipse. Also replicating what these Ant scripts does, may be a bit of a hassle.

Best regards,
Torkild U. Resheim

[1] https://resheim.net/2013/05/running-eclipse-rcp-applications-on.html
[2] https://resheim.net/2014/07/building-eclipse-target-platform-raspberry-pi.html
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