I'm reusing this thread, since it is a continuation of the discussion related 
to the subject.

>From the new M2 URL:

I downloaded the eclipse-cpp-2020-09-R-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.dmg file using the 
browser, into $HOME/Downloads.

I opened the .dmg (with double click in Finder) and used drag & drop to copy 
Eclipse.app into $HOME/tmp.

When I checked the result, the entire folder seems to be quarantined:

ilg@wks ~ % cd tmp
ilg@wks tmp % xattr Eclipse.app 
ilg@wks tmp % xattr Eclipse.app/Contents
ilg@wks tmp % xattr Eclipse.app/Contents/Info.plist 
ilg@wks tmp % 

Similarly, I downloaded eclipse-embedcpp-2020-12-M2-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.tar.gz 
from the same URL.

cd ~/tmp
mv Eclipse.app Eclipse-dmg.app
tar xf ~/Downloads/eclipse-embedcpp-2020-12-M2-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.tar.gz 

The result is also quarantined, exactly like the previous one.

When opening the two Eclipses for the first time they behaved absolutely 
identically, the user was asked to confirm opening an app downloaded from 
internet, and if confirmed, the two Eclipses appeared equally functional.

Can some other Mac user confirm this behaviour?

I'm using macOS 10.15.7.

Thank you,


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