> On 13 Nov 2020, at 14:12, Ed Merks <ed.me...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The conclusion that a *.tar.gz is equally functional to a *.dmg and that 
> everyone should be perfectly happy with a *.tar.gz (perhaps re-suffixed) kind 
> of suggests that all the effort invested in producing a *.dmg and notarizing 
> the darned thing is/was pretty much completely pointless and mostly misguided.

No, it suggest that I was quite confused by the results of the tests. 

I was initially equally convinced that using the .dmg should give a better user 
experience and allow to run Eclipse with no questions asked.

Tests did not confirm this. macOS is still asking the user to confirm if the 
download is safe, and even if the user confirms, when Eclipse.app is copied 
from the .dmg to a folder, Finder adds the quarantine attribute.

Then I tested the related .tar.gz provided in the same distribution (2020-12 
M2). As expected, macOS asks the user if the file is safe (the only difference 
is that it does not display the server where the file was downloaded). Finder 
also adds the quarantine attribute.

As not so expected, I could not identify any functional differences between the 
two Eclipses, and I asked on the list for someone else to confirm this 

>  I find that hard to believe.

You can repeat these tests.

Another possible explanation is that the notarization process was not 
effective, but I tested with the public 2020-09-R CDT, and it behaved the same. 

> You're testing on recent release of MacOs?


11.0 was just released, but I don't have it yet, it would be useful to retest 
with it, if possible.



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