Dear Colleague,
We cordially invite you to submit a paper to the Information Technology track 
in the upcoming 2018 14th International Conference on Natural Computation, 
Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD 2018), to be held from 28-30 
July 2018 in Huangshan, China. Topics include (but are not limited to): 
Communications and Networking, Automation and Control, Software Engineering, 
Information Security, etc..
Huangshan (literal meaning: Yellow Mountain) is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, 
and one of China's major tourist destinations. It is well known for its 
scenery, sunsets, peculiarly-shaped granite peaks, Huangshan pine trees, hot 
springs, winter snow, and views of the clouds from above. Huangshan is a 
frequent subject of traditional Chinese paintings and literature, as well as 
modern photography. 
A famous saying goes: "You don't need to see any more mountains after seeing 
'the Five Mountains', and you don't need to see the other four mountains after 
seeing Huangshan."
As with the past ICNC-FSKD conferences, all papers in conference proceedings 
will be submitted to EI Compendex, Scopus, and ISTP (ISI Proceedings), as well 
as IEEE Xplore (all previous ICNC-FSKD conferences from 2005 to 2016 have been 
indexed in Ei Compendex). Extended versions of selected best papers will appear 
in SCIE-indexed international journals. ICNC-FSKD 2018 is technically 
co-sponsored by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (pending).
ICNC-FSKD is a premier international forum for scientists and researchers to 
present the state of the art of data mining and intelligent methods inspired 
from nature, particularly biological, linguistic, and physical systems, with 
applications to computers, circuits, systems, control, robotics, 
communications, and more. This is an exciting and emerging interdisciplinary 
area in which a wide range of theory and methodologies are being investigated 
and developed to tackle complex and challenging problems. The registration fee 
of US-D490 includes proceedings, lunches, dinners, banquet, coffee breaks, and 
all technical sessions.
To promote international participation of researchers from outside the 
country/region where the conference is held (i.e., China’s mainland), 
researchers outside of China’s mainland are encouraged to propose invited 
sessions. An honorarium of US-D400 will be enjoyed by the organizer(s) for each 
completed (with at least 6 registered papers) invited session. The first author 
of each paper in an invited session must not be affiliated with an organization 
in China’s mainland. "(Invited Paper)" may be added below the title of each 
paper in the invited sessions. Invited session organizers will solicit 
submissions, conduct reviews and recommend accept/reject decisions on the 
submitted papers. Invited session organizers will be able to set their own 
submission and review schedules, as long as a set of recommended papers is 
determined by 3 June 2018. Each invited session proposal should include: (1) 
the name, bio, and contact information of each organizer of the invited 
session; (2) the title and a short synopsis of the invited session. Please send 
your proposal to
For more information, visit the conference web page: 
If you have any questions after visiting the conference web page, please email 
the secretariat at
Join us at this major event in beautiful Huangshan!!!
Organizing Committee
P.S.: Kindly forward to your colleagues and students in your school/department.
If you wish to unsubscribe, in which case we apologize, please reply with " 
unsubscribe " in your email subject. 
2018/1/21 10:32:56 6p
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