
I'm facing a problem trying to simulate a carlike robot.

Some people had this problem too. But I have tried all solutions that I found,
with no sucess.

First of all: Are simplecar.world and simplecar.model correct?
If I don't switch the value of body2 with body1 in hinge2 joints, I get the
following error running Gazebo:

ODE INTERNAL ERROR 1: assertion "bNormalizationResult" failed in _dNormalize3()

I have already tried to compile ODE in different ways, like described here:

What is the correct one ??

If I switch body1 with body2, Gazebo runs, but the wheels seem strange. And if I
use the command setCarLike(), nothing happens and I get this message from 

warning : Unhandled message for driver device=16777343:6665:position2d:0
type=command subtype=3 len=16

Does anybody know this problem or has a solution ?

Thanks in advance.


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