Author: zergin                       Date: Sat Mar 22 21:01:28 2008 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- add --sync_info option to mpt-status (patch)
  returns more info about array resynchronization process, provides data 
  about: resync rate (MiB/s), resync data (done/total, left) and ETA
  TESTED ONLY ON MY SYSTEM: x86_64 with 3442E-R HBA
- up rel 1 -> 2

---- Files affected:
   mpt-status-sync_info.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: SOURCES/mpt-status-sync_info.patch
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/mpt-status-sync_info.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null   Sat Mar 22 22:01:28 2008
+++ SOURCES/mpt-status-sync_info.patch  Sat Mar 22 22:01:23 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+Only in mod/: .mpt-status.c~
+Only in mod/: .mpt-status.h~
+diff -ur orig/mpt-status.c mod/mpt-status.c
+--- orig/mpt-status.c  2006-11-01 09:13:35.000000000 +0000
++++ mod/mpt-status.c   2008-03-22 20:31:56.546110535 +0000
+@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
+ #include "mpt-status.h"
+ #define ARG_M_A 0x0001
++#define ARG_M_S 0x0002
+ static int m = 0;
+ static int quiet_mode = 0;
+@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@
+ static int ioc_unit = 0;
+ static int newstyle = 0;
+ static int sync_state[2] = { 0, 0 };
++static int sync_info = 0;
+ static int sel;
+ static const struct option long_options[] = {
+@@ -64,6 +66,7 @@
+       { "quiet",              no_argument,       NULL, 'q' },
+       { "set_id",             required_argument, NULL, 'i' },
+       { "status_only",        no_argument,       NULL, 's' },
++      { "sync_info",          no_argument,       &sel, ARG_M_S },
+       { "verbose",            no_argument,       NULL, 'v' },
+       { "version",            no_argument,       NULL, 'V' },
+       { 0,                    no_argument,       NULL,  0  },
+@@ -85,6 +88,8 @@
+   "  -i, --set_id <int>         Set id of primary device (check README)\n"
+   "  -s, --status_only          Only print the status information. This can\n"
+   "                             be used for easy scripting\n"
++  "      --sync_info            Show RAID (re)synchronization information\n"
++  "                             (subject to quite mode setting)\n"
+   "  -u, --controller <int>     Set the IOC unit (controller)\n"
+   "  -v, --verbose              Print verbose information, such as warnings\n"
+   "  -V, --version              Print version information\n"
+@@ -124,6 +129,7 @@
+ static void GetHotSpareInfo(void);
+ static void GetResyncPercentageSilent(RaidVol0PhysDisk_t *, unsigned char *, 
+ static void GetResyncPercentage(RaidVol0PhysDisk_t *, unsigned char *, int);
++static void GetSyncInfo(void);
+ static void do_init(void);
+ /* internal-functions declaration */
+ static void __check_endianess(void);
+@@ -131,6 +137,7 @@
+ static void __print_volume_classic(RaidVolumePage0_t *);
+ static void __print_physdisk_advanced(RaidPhysDiskPage0_t *, int);
+ static void __print_physdisk_classic(RaidPhysDiskPage0_t *);
++static SyncInfoData __get_resync_data(void);
+ static void __check_endianess(void) {
+       int i = 1;
+@@ -770,6 +777,138 @@
+       return;
+ }
++/* get resync data for volume 0 only */
++static SyncInfoData __get_resync_data(void) {
++      SyncInfoData data = { -1, -1, -1 };
++      MpiRaidActionRequest_t  *pRequest;
++      unsigned int numBytes;
++      // get size for structure
++      numBytes = (sizeof(Config_t) - sizeof(SGE_IO_UNION)) + 
++      // get mpi block pointer
++      if ((mpiBlkPtr = allocIoctlBlk(numBytes)) == NULL ) return data;
++      // set Sge offset (dunno)
++      mpiBlkPtr->dataSgeOffset = (sizeof (MpiRaidActionRequest_t) - 
++      /* Initialize data in/data out sizes: Change below if need to */
++      mpiBlkPtr->dataInSize = mpiBlkPtr->dataOutSize = 0;
++      // prepare request call
++      pRequest = (MpiRaidActionRequest_t *) mpiBlkPtr->MF;
++      pRequest->Action       = MPI_RAID_ACTION_INDICATOR_STRUCT;
++      pRequest->Function     = MPI_FUNCTION_RAID_ACTION;
++      pRequest->MsgContext   = -1;
++      pRequest->ActionDataWord  = 0; /* action data is 0 */
++      // if status is ok - read total and remaining blocks
++      if(read_page2(MPT_FLAGS_KEEP_MEM)==0) {
++              uint *pdata = (uint *) mpiBlkPtr->replyFrameBufPtr;
++              // populate data structure - total blocks
++              pdata += 6;
++              data.blocks_total = *pdata;
++              // populate data structure - left blocks
++              pdata += 2;
++              data.blocks_left = *pdata;
++              // populate data structure - done blocks
++              data.blocks_done = data.blocks_total - data.blocks_left;
++      }
++      // free unused memory
++      freeMem();
++      // return populated structure
++      return data;
++static void GetSyncInfo(void) {
++      // data holder for rate count
++      SyncInfoData    data[2];
++      // get first data read
++      data[0] = __get_resync_data();
++      // if no blocks left to synchronize - we're synchronized, we can finish
++      if( 0 == data[0].blocks_left ) {
++              printf("STATUS: no resync in progress (synchronized or 
degraded: status unhandled).\n");
++      // we're synchronizing now... count rates, times, etc...
++      } else if( 0 < data[0].blocks_left ) {
++              char    progress[52]    = "[                                    
++              int     percent         = 0,
++                      diff            = 0,
++                      i               = 0,
++                      time[4];
++              double  size_total      = 0,
++                      size_left       = 0,
++                      size_done       = 0,
++                      rate            = 0;
++              // get second data probe after 0.1 sec wait
++              usleep(100000);
++              data[1] = __get_resync_data();
++              // get basic stats (percent done and synchronization rate)
++              diff            = (data[0].blocks_left - data[1].blocks_left);  
                        // blocks done in 0.1sec
++              percent         = ((data[1].blocks_done >> 
6)*100)/(data[1].blocks_total >> 6);         // percent done
++              rate            = ((double)diff/1048576)*5120;                  
                        // MiB/s        
++              size_total      = 
(((double)data[1].blocks_total/1048576)*512)/1024;                    // total 
array size in GiB
++              size_left       = 
(((double)data[1].blocks_left/1048576)*512)/1024;                     // size 
left to synchronize in GiB
++              size_done       = 
(((double)data[1].blocks_done/1048576)*512)/1024;                     // size 
already synchronized in GiB
++              time[3] = data[1].blocks_left/diff/10;                          
                        // total seconds left
++              time[0] = time[3]/3600;                                         
                        // H
++              time[1] = (time[3]-(3600*time[0]))/60;                          
                        // i
++              time[2] = time[3]-(3600*time[0])-(60*time[1]);                  
                        // s
++              // set progress bar...
++              for(i = 1; i < percent/2; i++)
++                      progress[i] = '=';
++                      progress[i-1] = '>';
++              // if in quite_mode: only print resync status
++              if(quiet_mode>0) {
++                      printf("STATUS: RESYNC_IN_PROGRESS %u%% (%01.0f/%01.0f 
GiB) @ %01.1f MiB/s, %uh %02um left\n",
++                              percent, 
++                              size_done,
++                              size_total,
++                              rate,
++                              time[0],
++                              time[1]
++                      );
++              // othewise be more verbose
++              } else {
++                      printf("STATUS: Volume 0 array is being 
++                      printf("STATUS: Data done: %01.3f GiB / %01.3f GiB 
(%01.3f GiB left)\n",
++                              size_done,
++                              size_total,
++                              size_left
++                      );
++                      printf("STATUS: Aproximatly time left: %02uh %02um 
++                              time[0],
++                              time[1],
++                              time[2]
++                      );
++                      printf("%u%% %s %01.2f MiB/s\n", percent, progress, 
++              }
++      } else {
++              printf("STATUS: Error obtaining resync info.\n");
++              mpt_exit(MPT_EXIT_UNKNOWN);
++      }
++      return;
+ static void __print_volume_advanced(RaidVolumePage0_t *page) {
+       if (1 == print_status_only) {
+               mpt_printf("vol_id:%d", page->VolumeID);
+@@ -1164,9 +1303,9 @@
+                       mpt_exit(MPT_EXIT_OKAY);
+                       break;
+               case  0:
+-                      if (sel == ARG_M_A) {
+-                              auto_load++;
+-                      }
++                      if (sel == ARG_M_A) auto_load++;
++                      if (sel == ARG_M_S) sync_info = 1;
+                       break;
+               case -1:
+                       // Done with options
+@@ -1192,7 +1331,6 @@
+                       mpt_exit(MPT_EXIT_UNKNOWN);
+               }
+               */
+-              GetVolumeInfo();
+       } else {
+               /* this is the old style setup */
+               if (probe_id > 0) {
+@@ -1208,7 +1346,10 @@
+                               mpt_exit(MPT_EXIT_OKAY);
+                       }
+               }
+-              GetVolumeInfo();
+       }
++      if(sync_info) GetSyncInfo();
++      else GetVolumeInfo();
+       return mpt_exit_mask;
+ }
+diff -ur orig/mpt-status.h mod/mpt-status.h
+--- orig/mpt-status.h  2006-10-26 08:06:52.000000000 +0000
++++ mod/mpt-status.h   2008-03-22 20:28:34.563193720 +0000
+@@ -60,4 +60,10 @@
+ typedef struct mpt_ioctl_command mpiIoctlBlk_t;
++typedef struct _SYNC_INFO {
++      int     blocks_total;
++      int     blocks_done;
++      int     blocks_left;
++} SyncInfoData;
+ #endif /* End of mpt-status.h */
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