Author: glen                         Date: Wed Jan  7 12:35:57 2009 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- from dojo-release-1.2.2-shrinksafe

---- Files affected:
   custom_rhino.diff (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: SOURCES/custom_rhino.diff
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/custom_rhino.diff:1.1
--- /dev/null   Wed Jan  7 13:35:57 2009
+++ SOURCES/custom_rhino.diff   Wed Jan  7 13:35:51 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,1343 @@
+Index: src/org/mozilla/javascript/
+RCS file: 
+retrieving revision 1.63
+diff -u -8 -p -r1.63
+--- src/org/mozilla/javascript/       16 May 2007 12:41:00 
-0000      1.63
++++ src/org/mozilla/javascript/       19 Oct 2007 11:28:27 
+@@ -371,16 +371,38 @@ public class BaseFunction extends IdScri
+         sb.append(getArity());
+         sb.append("]\n");
+         if (!justbody) {
+             sb.append("}\n");
+         }
+         return sb.toString();
+     }
++        String compress(int indent, int flags)
++        {
++            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
++              String FuncName = null;
++            boolean justbody = (0 != (flags & Decompiler.ONLY_BODY_FLAG));
++            if (!justbody) {
++                sb.append("function");
++                      FuncName = getFunctionName();
++                      if(FuncName.length()>0){
++                              sb.append(" "+FuncName);
++                      }
++                sb.append("(){");
++            }
++           sb.append("[native code, arity=");
++            sb.append(getArity());
++            sb.append("]");
++            if (!justbody) {
++                sb.append("}");
++            }
++            return sb.toString();
++        }
+     public int getArity() { return 0; }
+     public int getLength() { return 0; }
+     public String getFunctionName()
+     {
+         return "";
+     }
+Index: src/org/mozilla/javascript/
+RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/js/rhino/src/org/mozilla/javascript/,v
+retrieving revision
+diff -u -8 -p -r1.255.2.1
+--- src/org/mozilla/javascript/    6 Jun 2007 14:58:49 -0000
++++ src/org/mozilla/javascript/    19 Oct 2007 11:28:27 -0000
+@@ -1211,16 +1211,43 @@ public class Context
+      * @param securityDomain an arbitrary object that specifies security
+      *        information about the origin or owner of the script. For
+      *        implementations that don't care about security, this value
+      *        may be null.
+      * @return the result of evaluating the source
+      *
+      * @exception IOException if an IOException was generated by the Reader
+      */
++        public final String decompileReader(Scriptable scope, Reader in,
++                                                     String sourceName, int 
++                                                     Object securityDomain)
++                      throws IOException
++                  {
++                      Script script = compileReader(scope, in, sourceName, 
++                                                    securityDomain);
++                      if (script != null) {
++                                      // System.err.println(script);
++                          return decompileScript(script, 0);
++                      } else {
++                          return null;
++                      }
++                  }
++        public final String compressReader(Scriptable scope, Script script, 
String source,
++                      String sourceName, int lineno, Object securityDomain){
++              if (script != null) {
++                      // System.err.println(script);                          
++                      return compressScript(script, 0, source,lineno);        
++              } else {
++                      return null;
++              }
++      }
+     public final Object evaluateReader(Scriptable scope, Reader in,
+                                        String sourceName, int lineno,
+                                        Object securityDomain)
+         throws IOException
+     {
+         Script script = compileReader(scope, in, sourceName, lineno,
+                                       securityDomain);
+         if (script != null) {
+@@ -1393,16 +1420,44 @@ public class Context
+         catch (IOException ioe) {
+             // Should never happen because we just made the reader
+             // from a String
+             throw new RuntimeException();
+         }
+     }
+     /**
++     * Compress the script.
++     * <p>
++     * Compressed script is returned.
++     * 
++     * @param script the script object
++     * @param indent the number of spaces to indent the result
++     * @return a string representing the script source
++     */
++    public final String compressScript(Script script, int indent, String 
source,int lineno)
++    {
++        //Make sure to clear out the TokenMapper state before running.
++        //This allows for more than one script to be compressed.
++        //However, this is not a very clean way to do the reset.
++        TokenMapper.reset();
++ = new TokenMapper();
++        NativeFunction scriptImpl = (NativeFunction) script;
++        CompilerEnvirons compilerEnv = new CompilerEnvirons();
++        Parser parser = new Parser(compilerEnv, 
++        ScriptOrFnNode tree = parser.parse(source, null, lineno);
++        return scriptImpl.compress( tree,indent, 0);
++    }
++    /**
+      * Decompile the script.
+      * <p>
+      * The canonical source of the script is returned.
+      *
+      * @param script the script to decompile
+      * @param indent the number of spaces to indent the result
+      * @return a string representing the script source
+      */
+@@ -2287,27 +2342,27 @@ public class Context
+                                Interpreter compiler,
+                                ErrorReporter compilationErrorReporter)
+         throws IOException
+     {
+         if (securityDomain != null && securityController == null) {
+             throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+                 "securityDomain should be null if setSecurityController() was 
never called");
+         }
+         // One of sourceReader or sourceString has to be null
+         if (!(sourceReader == null ^ sourceString == null)) Kit.codeBug();
+         // scope should be given if and only if compiling function
+         if (!(scope == null ^ returnFunction)) Kit.codeBug();
+         CompilerEnvirons compilerEnv = new CompilerEnvirons();
+         compilerEnv.initFromContext(this);
+         if (compilationErrorReporter == null) {
+             compilationErrorReporter = compilerEnv.getErrorReporter();
+         }
+         if (debugger != null) {
+             if (sourceReader != null) {
+                 sourceString = Kit.readReader(sourceReader);
+                 sourceReader = null;
+             }
+         }
+Index: src/org/mozilla/javascript/
+RCS file: 
+retrieving revision 1.23
+diff -u -8 -p -r1.23
+--- src/org/mozilla/javascript/ 4 Apr 2007 20:52:09 -0000       
++++ src/org/mozilla/javascript/ 19 Oct 2007 11:28:28 -0000
+@@ -36,16 +36,21 @@
+  * them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do
+  * not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
+  * file under either the MPL or the GPL.
+  *
+  * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
+ package org.mozilla.javascript;
++import java.util.ArrayList;
++import java.util.Arrays;
++import java.util.HashMap;
++import java.util.List;
+ /**
+  * The following class save decompilation information about the source.
+  * Source information is returned from the parser as a String
+  * associated with function nodes and with the toplevel script.  When
+  * saved in the constant pool of a class, this string will be UTF-8
+  * encoded, and token values will occupy a single byte.
+  * Source is saved (mostly) as token numbers.  The tokens saved pretty
+@@ -69,16 +74,282 @@ package org.mozilla.javascript;
+  * followed by a character giving the length of the string (assumed to
+  * be less than 2^16), followed by the characters of the string
+  * inlined into the source string.  Changing this to some reference to
+  * to the string in the compiled class' constant pool would probably
+  * save a lot of space... but would require some method of deriving
+  * the final constant pool entry from information available at parse
+  * time.
+  */
++class TokenMapper {
++      private ArrayList functionBracePositions = new ArrayList();
++      /**
++       * Map of all replaced tokens
++       */
++      private ArrayList replacedTokens = new ArrayList();
++      /**
++       * Collection of Function nodes
++       */
++      private static ObjArray funcObjects = new ObjArray();
++      /**
++       * Map of each Function node and all the variables in its current 
++       * scope, other variables found while traversing the prototype chain and
++       * variables found in the top-level scope.
++       */
++      private static ArrayList functionVarMappings = new ArrayList();
++      public int functionNum = 0;
++      private int parentScope = 0;
++      private int lastTokenCount = 0;
++      /**
++       * Reset the static members for the TokenMapper.
++       */
++      public static void reset() {
++              funcObjects = new ObjArray();
++              functionVarMappings = new ArrayList();
++      }
++      /**
++       * Generate new compressed tokens
++       * <p>
++       * 
++       * @param token
++       *            value of the string token
++       * @param hasNewMapping
++       *            boolean value indicating a new variable binding
++       * @return compressed token
++       */
++      private String getMappedToken(String token, boolean hasNewMapping) {
++              String newToken = null;
++              HashMap tokens = null;
++              String blank = new String("");
++              int localScope = functionBracePositions.size() - 1;
++              String oldToken = getPreviousTokenMapping(token, hasNewMapping);
++              if (!oldToken.equalsIgnoreCase(blank)) {
++                      return oldToken;
++              } else if ((hasNewMapping || isInScopeChain(token))) {
++                      lastTokenCount++;
++                      newToken = new String("_" + 
++                      if (newToken.length() >= token.length()) {
++                              newToken = token;
++                      }
++                      if (hasNewMapping) {
++                              tokens = (HashMap) 
++                      } else {
++                              tokens = (HashMap) 
++                      }
++                      tokens.put(token, newToken);
++                      return newToken;
++              }
++              return token;
++      }
++      /**
++       * Checks for variable names in prototype chain
++       * <p>
++       * 
++       * @param token
++       *            value of the string token
++       * @return boolean value indicating if the token is present in the 
++       *         scope
++       */
++      private boolean isInScopeChain(String token) {
++              int scope = functionBracePositions.size();
++              HashMap chainedScopeVars = (HashMap) functionVarMappings
++                              .get(functionNum);
++              if (!chainedScopeVars.isEmpty()) {
++                      for (int i = scope; i > 0; i--) {
++                              if (chainedScopeVars.containsKey(new 
Integer(i))) {
++                                      parentScope = i - 1;
++                                      List temp = Arrays.asList((String[]) 
++                                                      .get(new Integer(i)));
++                                      if (temp.indexOf(token) != -1) {
++                                              return true;
++                                      }
++                              }
++                      }
++              }
++              return false;
++      }
++      /**
++       * Checks previous token mapping
++       * <p>
++       * 
++       * @param token
++       *            value of the string token
++       * @param hasNewMapping
++       *            boolean value indicating a new variable binding
++       * @return string value of the previous token or blank string
++       */
++      private String getPreviousTokenMapping(String token, boolean 
hasNewMapping) {
++              String result = new String("");
++              int scope = replacedTokens.size() - 1;
++              if (scope < 0) {
++                      return result;
++              }
++              if (hasNewMapping) {
++                      HashMap tokens = (HashMap) (replacedTokens.get(scope));
++                      if (tokens.containsKey(token)) {
++                              result = (String) tokens.get(token);
++                              return result;
++                      }
++              } else {
++                      for (int i = scope; i > -1; i--) {
++                              HashMap tokens = (HashMap) 
++                              if (tokens.containsKey(token)) {
++                                      result = (String) tokens.get(token);
++                                      return result;
++                              }
++                      }
++              }
++              return result;
++      }
++      /**
++       * Generate mappings for each Function node and parameters and variables
++       * names associated with it.
++       * <p>
++       * 
++       * @param parseTree
++       *            Mapping for each function node and corresponding 
parameters &
++       *            variables names
++       */
++      private void collectFunctionMappings(ScriptOrFnNode parseTree) {
++              int level = -1;
++              collectFuncNodes(parseTree, level);
++      }
++      /**
++       * Recursive method to traverse all Function nodes
++       * <p>
++       * 
++       * @param parseTree
++       *            Mapping for each function node and corresponding 
parameters &
++       *            variables names
++       * @param level
++       *            scoping level
++       */
++      private static void collectFuncNodes(ScriptOrFnNode parseTree, int 
level) {
++              level++;
++              functionVarMappings.add(new HashMap());
++              HashMap bindingNames = (HashMap) functionVarMappings
++                              .get(functionVarMappings.size() - 1);
++              bindingNames.put(new Integer(level), 
++              funcObjects.add(parseTree);
++              int nestedCount = parseTree.getFunctionCount();
++              for (int i = 0; i != nestedCount; ++i) {
++                      collectFuncNodes(parseTree.getFunctionNode(i), level);
++                      bindingNames = (HashMap) functionVarMappings
++                                      .get(functionVarMappings.size() - 1);
++                      bindingNames.put(new Integer(level), parseTree
++                                      .getParamAndVarNames());
++              }
++      }
++      /**
++       * Compress the script
++       * <p>
++       * 
++       * @param encodedSource
++       *            encoded source string
++       * @param offset
++       *            position within the encoded source
++       * @param asQuotedString
++       *            boolean value indicating a quoted string
++       * @param sb
++       *            String buffer reference
++       * @param prevToken
++       *            Previous token in encoded source
++       * @param inArgsList
++       *            boolean value indicating position inside arguments list
++       * @param currentLevel
++       *            embeded function level
++       * @param parseTree
++       *            Mapping of each function node and corresponding 
parameters &
++       *            variables names
++       * @return compressed script
++       */
++      public int sourceCompress(String encodedSource, int offset,
++                      boolean asQuotedString, StringBuffer sb, int prevToken,
++                      boolean inArgsList, int currentLevel, ScriptOrFnNode 
parseTree) {
++              boolean hasNewMapping = false;
++              if (functionVarMappings.isEmpty())
++                      collectFunctionMappings(parseTree);
++              int length = encodedSource.charAt(offset);
++              ++offset;
++              if ((0x8000 & length) != 0) {
++                      length = ((0x7FFF & length) << 16) | 
++                      ++offset;
++              }
++              if (sb != null) {
++                      String str = encodedSource.substring(offset, offset + 
++                      String sourceStr = new String(str);
++                      if ((prevToken == Token.VAR) || (inArgsList)) {
++                              hasNewMapping = true;
++                      }
++                      if (((functionBracePositions.size() > 0) && 
(currentLevel >= (((Integer) functionBracePositions
++                                      .get(functionBracePositions.size() - 
++                                      || (inArgsList)) {
++                              if (prevToken != Token.DOT) {
++                                      str = this.getMappedToken(str, 
++                              }
++                      }
++                      if ((!inArgsList) && (asQuotedString)) {
++                              if ((prevToken == Token.LC) || (prevToken == 
Token.COMMA)) {
++                                      str = sourceStr;
++                              }
++                      }
++                      if (!asQuotedString) {
++                              sb.append(str);
++                      } else {
++                              sb.append('"');
++                              sb.append(ScriptRuntime.escapeString(str));
++                              sb.append('"');
++                      }
++              }
++              return offset + length;
++      }
++      public void enterNestingLevel(int braceNesting) {
++              functionBracePositions.add(new Integer(braceNesting + 1));
++              replacedTokens.add(new HashMap());
++      }
++      public void leaveNestingLevel(int braceNesting) {
++              Integer bn = new Integer(braceNesting);
++              if ((functionBracePositions.contains(bn))
++                              && (replacedTokens.size() > 0)) {
++                      // remove our mappings now!
++                      int scopedSize = replacedTokens.size();
++                      replacedTokens.remove(scopedSize - 1);
++                      functionBracePositions.remove(bn);
++              }
++      }
+ public class Decompiler
+ {
+     /**
+      * Flag to indicate that the decompilation should omit the
+      * function header and trailing brace.
+      */
+     public static final int ONLY_BODY_FLAG = 1 << 0;
+@@ -265,16 +536,536 @@ public class Decompiler
+     }
+     private String sourceToString(int offset)
+     {
+         if (offset < 0 || sourceTop < offset) Kit.codeBug();
+         return new String(sourceBuffer, offset, sourceTop - offset);
+     }
++    //Used to be private, but making it public so we
++    //can reset the token state between compression runs.
++    //Not very pretty.
++    public static TokenMapper tm = new TokenMapper();
++    /**
++     * Compress the script
++     * <p>
++     * 
++     * @param encodedSource encoded source string
++     * @param flags Flags specifying format of decompilation output
++     * @param properties Decompilation properties
++     * @param parseTree Mapping for each function node and corresponding 
parameters & variables names
++     * @return compressed script
++     */
++    public static String compress(String encodedSource, int flags,
++            UintMap properties, ScriptOrFnNode parseTree){
++       int length = encodedSource.length();
++         if (length == 0) { return ""; }
++         int indent = properties.getInt(INITIAL_INDENT_PROP, 0);
++         if (indent < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
++         int indentGap = properties.getInt(INDENT_GAP_PROP, 4);
++         if (indentGap < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
++         int caseGap = properties.getInt(CASE_GAP_PROP, 2);
++         if (caseGap < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
++         StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
++         boolean justFunctionBody = (0 != (flags & 
++         boolean toSource = (0 != (flags & Decompiler.TO_SOURCE_FLAG));
++         // Spew tokens in source, for debugging.
++         // as TYPE number char
++         if (printSource) {
++             System.err.println("length:" + length);
++             for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
++                 // Note that tokenToName will fail unless Context.printTrees
++                 // is true.
++                 String tokenname = null;
++                 if (Token.printNames) {
++                     tokenname =;
++                 }
++                 if (tokenname == null) {
++                     tokenname = "---";
++                 }
++                 String pad = tokenname.length() > 7
++                     ? "\t"
++                     : "\t\t";
++                 System.err.println
++                     (tokenname
++                      + pad + (int)encodedSource.charAt(i)
++                      + "\t'" + ScriptRuntime.escapeString
++                      (encodedSource.substring(i, i+1))
++                      + "'");
++             }
++             System.err.println();
++         }
++         int braceNesting = 0;
++         boolean afterFirstEOL = false;
++         int i = 0;
++         int prevToken = 0;
++         boolean primeFunctionNesting = false;
++         boolean inArgsList = false;
++         boolean primeInArgsList = false;
++         int topFunctionType;
++         if (encodedSource.charAt(i) == Token.SCRIPT) {
++             ++i;
++             topFunctionType = -1;
++         } else {
++             topFunctionType = encodedSource.charAt(i + 1);
++         }
++         if (!toSource) {
++             // add an initial newline to exactly match js.
++             // result.append('\n');
++             for (int j = 0; j < indent; j++){
++                 // result.append(' ');
++                 result.append("");
++             }
++         } else {
++             if (topFunctionType == FunctionNode.FUNCTION_EXPRESSION) {
++                 result.append('(');
++             }
++         }
++         while (i < length) {
++           if(i>0){
++               prevToken = encodedSource.charAt(i-1);
++           }
++           // System.out.println(, length, i)));
++           switch(encodedSource.charAt(i)) {
++             case Token.NAME:
++             case Token.REGEXP:  // re-wrapped in '/'s in parser...
++                 int jumpPos = getSourceStringEnd(encodedSource, i+1);
++                 if(Token.OBJECTLIT == encodedSource.charAt(jumpPos)){
++                     i = printSourceString(encodedSource, i + 1, false, 
++                 }else{
++                     i = tm.sourceCompress(   encodedSource, i + 1, false, 
result, prevToken, 
++                                             inArgsList, braceNesting, 
++                 }
++                 continue;
++             case Token.STRING:
++                 i = printSourceString(encodedSource, i + 1, true, result);
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>
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