Author: glen                         Date: Mon Dec  5 11:43:12 2005 GMT
Module: SPECS                         Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- use webapps framework

---- Files affected:
   drupal.spec (1.39 -> 1.40) 

---- Diffs:

Index: SPECS/drupal.spec
diff -u SPECS/drupal.spec:1.39 SPECS/drupal.spec:1.40
--- SPECS/drupal.spec:1.39      Thu Dec  1 00:06:56 2005
+++ SPECS/drupal.spec   Mon Dec  5 12:43:07 2005
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 Summary(pl):   Platforma do zarządzania treścią o otwartych źródłach
 Name:          drupal
 Version:       4.6.4
-Release:       0.1
+Release:       0.5
 License:       GPL
 Group:         Applications/WWW
@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@
 Patch4:                %{name}-emptypass.patch
 Patch5:                %{name}-cron.patch
-BuildRequires: rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.194
+BuildRequires: rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.264
 BuildRequires: sed >= 4.0
+Requires:      webapps
 Requires:      webserver = apache
 Requires:      apache(mod_dir)
 Requires:      apache(mod_access)
@@ -31,12 +32,13 @@
 Requires:      php-pcre
 Requires:      %{name}(DB_Driver) = %{version}-%{release}
 Requires:      php-xml
-Conflicts:     apache1 < 1.3.33-3
 BuildArch:     noarch
 BuildRoot:     %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
 %define                _appdir         %{_datadir}/%{name}
-%define                _sysconfdir     /etc/%{name}
+%define                _webapps        /etc/webapps
+%define                _webapp         %{name}
+%define                _sysconfdir     %{_webapps}/%{_webapp}
 Drupal is software that allows an individual or a community of users
@@ -195,6 +197,7 @@
 ln -s ../../htdocs/$s $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}/$s
 install %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/apache.conf
+install %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/httpd.conf
 install %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/cron.d/%{name}
@@ -224,25 +227,77 @@
-%triggerin -- apache1 >= 1.3.33-2
-%apache_config_install -v 1 -c %{_sysconfdir}/apache.conf
+%triggerin -- apache1
+%webapp_register apache %{_webapp}
-%triggerun -- apache1 >= 1.3.33-2
-%apache_config_uninstall -v 1
+%triggerun -- apache1
+%webapp_unregister apache %{_webapp}
 %triggerin -- apache >= 2.0.0
-%apache_config_install -v 2 -c %{_sysconfdir}/apache.conf
+%webapp_register httpd %{_webapp}
 %triggerun -- apache >= 2.0.0
-%apache_config_uninstall -v 2
+%webapp_unregister httpd %{_webapp}
+%triggerpostun -- %{name} < 4.6.4-0.4
+# rescue app configs.
+if [ -f /etc/drupal/sites/default/settings.php.rpmsave ]; then
+       mv -f %{_sysconfdir}/sites/default/settings.php{,.rpmnew}
+       mv -f /etc/drupal/sites/default/settings.php.rpmsave 
+# other configured sites, if any
+for i in /etc/drupal/sites/*; do
+       d=$(basename $i)
+       [ "$d" = "default" ] && continue
+       mv -f %{_sysconfdir}/sites/$d{,.rpmnew}
+       mv -f $i %{_sysconfdir}/sites/$d
+# migrate from apache-config macros
+if [ -f /etc/drupal/apache.conf.rpmsave ]; then
+       if [ -d /etc/apache/webapps.d ]; then
+               cp -f %{_sysconfdir}/apache.conf{,.rpmnew}
+               cp -f /etc/drupal/apache.conf.rpmsave %{_sysconfdir}/apache.conf
+       fi
+       if [ -d /etc/httpd/webapps.d ]; then
+               cp -f %{_sysconfdir}/httpd.conf{,.rpmnew}
+               cp -f /etc/drupal/apache.conf.rpmsave %{_sysconfdir}/httpd.conf
+       fi
+       rm -f /etc/drupal/apache.conf.rpmsave
+# place new config location, as trigger puts config only on first install, do 
it here.
+if [ -L /etc/apache/conf.d/99_%{name}.conf ]; then
+       rm -f /etc/apache/conf.d/99_%{name}.conf
+       /usr/sbin/webapp register apache %{_webapp}
+       apache_reload=1
+if [ -L /etc/httpd/httpd.conf/99_%{name}.conf ]; then
+       rm -f /etc/httpd/httpd.conf/99_%{name}.conf
+       /usr/sbin/webapp register httpd %{_webapp}
+       httpd_reload=1
+if [ "$httpd_reload" ]; then
+       if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then
+               /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd reload 1>&2
+       fi
+if [ "$apache_reload" ]; then
+       if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/apache ]; then
+               /etc/rc.d/init.d/apache reload 1>&2
+       fi
 %doc *.txt README.PLD
 %doc database/
-%attr(750,root,http) %dir %{_sysconfdir}
+%dir %attr(750,root,http) %{_sysconfdir}
 %attr(640,root,root) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) 
+%attr(640,root,root) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) 
 %attr(750,root,http) %dir %{_sysconfdir}/sites
 %attr(750,root,http) %dir %{_sysconfdir}/sites/default
@@ -291,6 +346,9 @@
 All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>
+Revision 1.40  2005/12/05 11:43:07  glen
+- use webapps framework
 Revision 1.39  2005/11/30 23:06:56  glen
 - 4.6.4 (xss fixes)

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