Author: mmazur                       Date: Tue Jul 10 10:16:41 2012 GMT
Module: cdg                           Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- en translation; now for 24h to pass

---- Files affected:
   rm_th_2012 (1.1 -> 1.2) 

---- Diffs:

Index: cdg/proponowane-glosowania/rm_th_2012
diff -u cdg/proponowane-glosowania/rm_th_2012:1.1 
--- cdg/proponowane-glosowania/rm_th_2012:1.1   Tue Jul 10 11:43:44 2012
+++ cdg/proponowane-glosowania/rm_th_2012       Tue Jul 10 12:16:36 2012
@@ -36,8 +36,43 @@
 *** lang=en
+(The reference version of this proposal is the polish one, since that's the
+native tongue of the author. If there are any incompatibilities, the polish
+version takes precedence as the one most likely to reflect what the author
+actually had in mind.)
+The following vote will:
+- decide which of the candidates will become the Th Release Manager
+- formally accept the chosen candidate as the RM of Th, in accordance with
+  the formal requirements.
+Voting procedure:
+(Customarily CDG votes are in the yes/no/abstain format and that is what's
+specified in the voting instruction. However said instruction is *not* part
+of the formal CDG rules, meaning alternative voting procedures are not
+against the rules, which makes votes performed according to alternative
+procedures formally valid.)
+This particular vote defines the following voting procedure:
+1. In the section designated to a given candidate, a voting CDG member
+   is to enter his CVS login, followed by a colon, followed by the nick or
+   last name of the supported candidate.
+   For example: "mmazur:bush" or "mmazur:dubya".
+2. One can abstain. (Format: "mmazur:abstain")
+3. In accordance with CDG rules this vote, in order to be effective, does not
+   require a 50% turnout. A simple majority is sufficient.
+4. In accordance with the formal rule of "require[ing] a simple majority of
+   votes" the result of this vote will be the election of and acceptance for
+   the RM of Th position the candidate with the most votes cast to his name.
+Below is the list of candidates, who are active PLD developers and have
+submitted their candidacy on relevant mailing lists:
+- Wojciech Cięciwa (cieciwa)
+- Jan Rękorajski (baggins)
 Poparcie wniosku o głosowanie/seconding the proposal:

---- CVS-web:

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