Author: hawk                         Date: Sun Mar 12 21:01:45 2006 GMT
Module: admin                         Tag: AC-branch
---- Log message:
- started adjusting for current Ac

---- Files affected:
   poldek-iso.priority ( -> 

---- Diffs:

Index: admin/ftp/poldek-iso.priority
diff -u admin/ftp/poldek-iso.priority: 
--- admin/ftp/poldek-iso.priority:       Sun Feb 19 18:36:10 2006
+++ admin/ftp/poldek-iso.priority       Sun Mar 12 22:01:40 2006
@@ -1,143 +1,121 @@
 # base priority                = 0
-# it would be nice ro have package  on first CD, but we won't die out of 
sadness if it won't be  = -2
+# it would be nice to have package  on first CD,
+# but we won't die out of sadness if it won't be  = -2
 # package must be on first CD  = -5
 # put package on last CD       = 5
 # Base system and few most common on first CD
-FHS                            -5
-LPRng                          -5
-MAKEDEV                                -5
-SysVinit                       -5
+# packages required by "minimal" and "base" installation types on first CD
 acpid                          -5
 anacron                                -5
 apmd                           -5
 autofs*                                -5
 basesystem                     -5
 bash                           -5
-bdflush                                -5
-bind                           -5
-bind-libs                      -5
 bind-utils                     -5
-busybox                                -5
-busybox-initrd                 -5
 bzip2                          -5
-cdrtools*                      -5
 chkconfig                      -5
 cpio                           -5
 cracklib                       -5
 cracklib-dicts                 -5
+db                             -5
 dev                            -5
-dhcp                           -5
-dhcp-client                    -5
 dhcpcd                         -5
-dosfstools                     -5
-dump                           -5
 e2fsprogs                      -5
 eagle-usb                      -5
-eject                          -5
 elinks                         -5
-exim                           -5
+FHS                            -5
 file                           -5
 findutils                      -5
-firewall-init                  -5
 fix-info-dir                   -5
 ftp                            -5
 geninitrd                      -5
 genromfs                       -5
 gettext                                -5
 glibc                          -5
+gpm                            -5
 grep                           -5
+groff                          -5
 grub                           -5
 gzip                           -5
 hc-cron                                -5
 hexedit                                -5
+hfsprogs                       -5
 info                           -5
-ipchains                       -5
-iptables                       -5
-iptables-init                  -5
-iptables-ipp2p                 -5
+iproute2                       -5
 iptables24                     -5
 iptables24-init                        -5
 iptables24-ipp2p               -5
-iproute2                       -5
+iptables                       -5
+iptables-init                  -5
+iptables-ipp2p                 -5
 iputils                                -5
 iputils-ping                   -5
 issue                          -5
-jed                            -5
 jfsutils                       -5
-joe                            -5
 kbd                            -5
-klogd                          -5
 less                           -5
 lftp                           -5
+libstdc++                      -5
 lilo                           -5
 links                          -5
 login                          -5
 logrotate                      -5
-logwatch                       -5
 losetup                                -5
-lslk                           -5
 lsof                           -5
 ltrace                         -5
 lynx                           -5
 mailx                          -5
+MAKEDEV                                -5
 man                            -5
 man-pages                      -5
 mawk                           -5
 mc                             -5
 mdadm                          -5
-mdadm-initrd                   -5
 mingetty                       -5
 minicom                                -5
 mktemp                         -5
 modutils                       -5
 mount                          -5
-mt-st                          -5
-mtr                            -5
 mutt                           -5
 nc                             -5
 ncftp                          -5
 ncompress                      -5
 net-tools                      -5
-netcfg-tpsa                    -5
 nmap                           -5
-nut                            -5
-nut-client                     -5
 openssh                                -5
 openssh-clients                        -5
 openssh-server                 -5
 pam                            -5
-pam-pam_*                      -5
-parted                         -5
+pam_pam*                       -5
 pciutils                       -5
 pcmcia-cs                      -5
-pcre                           -5
 pcregrep                       -5
 pdksh                          -5
 perl                           -5
 pico                           -5
+picocom                                -5
 pine                           -5
 pinfo                          -5
 pldbug                         -5
 poldek                         -5
 popt                           -5
 ppp                            -5
-procmail                       -5
+procmal                                -5
 procps                         -5
 psmisc                         -5
-pump                           -5
 quota                          -5
-raidtools                      -5
-rc-boot                                -5
 rc-scripts                     -5
-rdate                          -5
 reiserfsprogs                  -5
-rp-pppoe-*                     -5
 rpm                            -5
 rpm-utils                      -5
+rp-pppoe*                      -5
 rsync                          -5
-screen                         -5
 sed                            -5
 setserial                      -5
 setup                          -5
@@ -145,27 +123,22 @@
 shadow-extras                  -5
 sharutils                      -5
 slocate                                -5
-slrn                           -5
 speedtouch                     -5
-stat                           -5
 strace                         -5
-sudo                           -5
 syslog                         -5
 syslog-ng                      -5
+SysVinit                       -5
 tar                            -5
-tcp_wrappers                   -5
 tcpdump                                -5
+tcp_wrappers                   -5
 telnet                         -5
 terminfo                       -5
 time                           -5
-trafshow                       -5
 unace                          -5
 unarj                          -5
 unrar                          -5
 unzip                          -5
-usbutils                       -5
 utempter                       -5
-utftpd                         -5
 util-linux                     -5
 vim                            -5
 vim-rt                         -5
@@ -174,42 +147,44 @@
 wget                           -5
 which                          -5
 xfsprogs                       -5
-yp-tools                       -5
-ypbind-mt                      -5
-ypserv                         -5
 zip                            -5
 zsh                            -5
 # all kernel packages (except sources) on first CD
+kernel24                       -5
+kernel24-BOOT                  -5
+kernel24-doc                   -5
+kernel24-drm                   -5
+kernel24-headers               -5
+kernel24-i2c-lm_sensors                -5
+kernel24-pcmcia                        -5
+kernel24-smp                   -5
+kernel24-smp-drm               -5
+kernel24-smp-i2c-lm_sensors    -5
+kernel24-smp-pcmcia            -5
+kernel24-smp-video-svgalib_helper      -5
+kernel24-video-svgalib_helper  -5
+kernel-block-drbd              -5
+kernel-fs-shfs                 -5
+kernel-fs-subfs                        -5
+kernel-fs-unionfs              -5
 kernel-grsecurity              -5
 kernel-grsecurity-doc          -5
 kernel-grsecurity-drm          -5
+kernel-grsecurity-headers      -5
 kernel-grsecurity-module-build -5
 kernel-grsecurity-pcmcia       -5
-kernel-grsecurity-sound-alsa   -5
-kernel-grsecurity-sound-oss    -5
 kernel-grsecurity-smp          -5
 kernel-grsecurity-smp-drm      -5
 kernel-grsecurity-smp-pcmcia   -5
 kernel-grsecurity-smp-sound-alsa       -5
 kernel-grsecurity-smp-sound-oss        -5
-kernel-smp-usb-eagle           -5
-kernel-smp-video-nvidia                -5
-kernel-smp-video-svgalib_helper        -5
-kernel-smp-zaptel              -5
-kernel-usb-eagle               -5
-kernel-video-nvidia            -5
-kernel-video-svgalib_helper    -5
-kernel-zaptel                  -5
-kernel24                       -5
-kernel24-doc                   -5
-kernel24-drm                   -5
-kernel24-headers               -5
-kernel24-pcmcia                        -5
-kernel24-smp                   -5
-kernel24-smp-drm               -5
-kernel24-smp-pcmcia            -5
+kernel-grsecurity-sound-alsa   -5
+kernel-grsecurity-sound-oss    -5
+kernel-misc-fuse               -5
+kernel-misc-fuse               -5
+kernel-misc-nforce             -5
 kernel-mosix                   -5
 kernel-mosix-doc               -5
 kernel-mosix-drm               -5
@@ -218,120 +193,272 @@
 kernel-mosix-smp               -5
 kernel-mosix-smp-drm           -5
 kernel-mosix-smp-pcmcia-cs     -5
+kernel-net-ndiswrapper         -5
+kernel-net-p2p                 -5
+kernel-scsi-mv                 -5
+kernel-smp-block-drbd          -5
+kernel-smp-fs-shfs             -5
+kernel-smp-fs-subfs            -5
+kernel-smp-fs-unionfs          -5
+kernel-smp-misc-fuse           -5
+kernel-smp-misc-fuse           -5
+kernel-smp-misc-nforce         -5
+kernel-smp-net-ndiswrapper     -5
+kernel-smp-net-p2p             -5
+kernel-smp-scsi-mv             -5
+kernel-smp-usb-eagle           -5
+kernel-smp-video-nvidia                -5
+kernel-smp-video-nvidia-legacy -5
+kernel-smp-video-svgalib_helper        -5
+kernel-smp-zaptel              -5
+kernel-usb-eagle               -5
+kernel-video-nvidia            -5
+kernel-video-nvidia-legacy     -5
+kernel-video-svgalib_helper    -5
+kernel-zaptel                  -5
-# Packages needed by installation type "devel" on first CD
-autoconf                       -5
-automake                       -5
-bin86                          -5
-binutils                       -5
-bison                          -5
-cpp                            -5
-cproto                         -5
-ctags                          -5
-cvs                            -5
-ddd                            -5
-diffstat                       -5
-diffutils                      -5
-doxygen                                -5
-egcs                           -5
-ElectricFence                  -5
-flex                           -5
-gcc                            -5
-gcc-c++                                -5
-gcc-g77                                -5
-gcc-java                       -5
-gcc-objc                       -5
-gdb                            -5
-glibc-devel                    -5
-indent                         -5
-kernel-grsecurity-headers      -5
-kernel24-headers               -5
-kernel-mosix-headers           -5
-lcc                            -5
-libstdc++-devel                        -5
-linux-libc-headers             -5
-m4                             -5
-make                           -5
-nasm                           -5
-ncurses-devel                  -5
-objc                           -5
-ocaml                          -5
-patch                          -5
-perl-devel                     -5
-python                         -5
-python-devel                   -5
-python-doc                     -5
-readline-devel                 -5
-rpm-build                      -5
-rpm-build-tools                        -5
-rpm-perlprov                   -5
-rpm-php-pearprov               -5
-rpm-pythonprov                 -5
-rpm-utils                      -5
-rpm-utils-perl                 -5
-# Packages needed by installation type "server" on first CD
+# packages needed by "server" installation type on first CD
 apache                         -5
+apache1                                -5
+apache1-apxs                   -5
+apache1-doc                    -5
+apache1-errordocs              -5
+apache1-index                  -5
+apache1-mod_access             -5
+apache1-mod_actions            -5
+apache1-mod_alias              -5
+apache1-mod_asis               -5
+apache1-mod_auth               -5
+apache1-mod_auth_anon          -5
+apache1-mod_auth_db            -5
+apache1-mod_auth_digest                -5
+apache1-mod_autoindex          -5
+apache1-mod_cern_meta          -5
+apache1-mod_cgi                        -5
+apache1-mod_define             -5
+apache1-mod_digest             -5
+apache1-mod_dir                        -5
+apache1-mod_env                        -5
+apache1-mod_expires            -5
+apache1-mod_headers            -5
+apache1-mod_imap               -5
+apache1-mod_include            -5
+apache1-mod_info               -5
+apache1-mod_log_agent          -5
+apache1-mod_log_config         -5
+apache1-mod_log_forensic       -5
+apache1-mod_log_referer                -5
+apache1-mod_mime               -5
+apache1-mod_mime_magic         -5
+apache1-mod_mmap_static                -5
+apache1-mod_negotiation                -5
+apache1-mod_php                        -5
+apache1-mod_php4               -5
+apache1-mod_proxy              -5
+apache1-mod_rewrite            -5
+apache1-mod_setenvif           -5
+apache1-mod_speling            -5
+apache1-mod_ssl                        -5
+apache1-mod_status             -5
+apache1-mod_sxnet              -5
+apache1-mod_unique_id          -5
+apache1-mod_userdir            -5
+apache1-mod_usertrack          -5
+apache1-mod_vhost_alias                -5
+apache1-suexec                 -5
+apache1-tools                  -5
+apache-apxs                    -5
+apache-base                    -5
+apache-cgi_test                        -5
+apache-dbmtools                        -5
+apache-doc                     -5
+apache-errordocs               -5
+apache-index                   -5
 apache-mod_actions             -5
+apache-mod_alias               -5
+apache-mod_asis                        -5
 apache-mod_auth                        -5
-apache-mod_auth_anon           -5
+apache-mod_auth_basic          -5
 apache-mod_auth_dbm            -5
 apache-mod_auth_digest         -5
-apache-mod_auth_ldap           -5
+apache-mod_authn_alias         -5
+apache-mod_authn_anon          -5
+apache-mod_authn_dbd           -5
+apache-mod_authn_dbm           -5
+apache-mod_authn_default       -5
+apache-mod_authn_file          -5
+apache-mod_authnz_ldap         -5
+apache-mod_authz_dbm           -5
+apache-mod_authz_default       -5
+apache-mod_authz_groupfile     -5
+apache-mod_authz_host          -5
+apache-mod_authz_owner         -5
+apache-mod_authz_user          -5
 apache-mod_autoindex           -5
 apache-mod_cache               -5
+apache-mod_case_filter         -5
+apache-mod_case_filter_in      -5
+apache-mod_cern_meta           -5
+apache-mod_cgi                 -5
 apache-mod_cgid                        -5
 apache-mod_charset_lite                -5
 apache-mod_dav                 -5
+apache-mod_dbd                 -5
 apache-mod_deflate             -5
 apache-mod_dir                 -5
+apache-mod_dumpio              -5
+apache-mod_echo                        -5
+apache-mod_env                 -5
 apache-mod_expires             -5
+apache-mod_ext_filter          -5
 apache-mod_file_cache          -5
+apache-mod_filter              -5
 apache-mod_headers             -5
-apache-mod_imap                        -5
+apache-mod_ident               -5
+apache-mod_imagemap            -5
+apache-mod_include             -5
 apache-mod_info                        -5
 apache-mod_ldap                        -5
+apache-mod_log_config          -5
+apache-mod_log_forensic                -5
+apache-mod_logio               -5
+apache-mod_mime                        -5
+apache-mod_mime_magic          -5
+apache-mod_negotiation         -5
+apache-mod_php                 -5
+apache-mod_php4                        -5
 apache-mod_proxy               -5
 apache-mod_rewrite             -5
+apache-mod_setenvif            -5
+apache-mod_speling             -5
 apache-mod_ssl                 -5
 apache-mod_status              -5
 apache-mod_unique_id           -5
+apache-mod_userdir             -5
 apache-mod_usertrack           -5
+apache-mod_version             -5
 apache-mod_vhost_alias         -5
 apache-suexec                  -5
+apache-tools                   -5
+bind                           -5
+bircd                          -5
 bsd-fingerd                    -5
 cfingerd                       -5
+courier-imap                   -5
+courier-imap-pp3               -5
+cups                           -5
 cvs-pserver                    -5
+cyrus-imapd                    -5
+dhcp                           -5
+efingerd                       -5
+exim                           -5
 ffingerd                       -5
 ftpd-BSD                       -5
+imap                           -5
+imap-pop3                      -5
+inetd                          -5
+inn                            -5
+ircd                           -5
+ircd-hybrid                    -5
+ircd-ptlink                    -5
 LPRng                          -5
 mysql                          -5
+mysql-bench                    -5
 mysql-client                   -5
 mysql-extras                   -5
+mysql-extras-perl              -5
 mysql-libs                     -5
+mysql-ndb                      -5
+mysql-ndb-client               -5
+mysql-ndb-cpc                  -5
+mysql-ndb-mgm                  -5
 nfs-utils                      -5
 nfs-utils-clients              -5
 nfs-utils-lock                 -5
-nfs-utils-rquotad              -5
 omta                           -5
-php                            -5
+pdns                           -5
+php4-bcmath                    -5
+php4-bzip2                     -5
+php4-calendar                  -5
+php4-cgi                       -5
+php4-cli                       -5
+php4-common                    -5
+php4-cpdf                      -5
+php4-crack                     -5
+php4-ctype                     -5
+php4-curl                      -5
+php4-db                                -5
+php4-dba                       -5
+php4-dbase                     -5
+php4-dbx                       -5
+php4-dio                       -5
+php4-domxml                    -5
+php4-exif                      -5
+php4-fcgi                      -5
+php4-filepro                   -5
+php4-fribidi                   -5
+php4-ftp                       -5
+php4-gd                                -5
+php4-gettext                   -5
+php4-gmp                       -5
+php4-hyperwave                 -5
+php4-iconv                     -5
+php4-imap                      -5
+php4-interbase                 -5
+php4-ldap                      -5
+php4-mbstring                  -5
+php4-mcal                      -5
+php4-mcrypt                    -5
+php4-mhash                     -5
+php4-mime_magic                        -5
+php4-ming                      -5
+php4-mnogosearch               -5
+php4-msession                  -5
+php4-mssql                     -5
+php4-mysql                     -5
+php4-ncurses                   -5
+php4-odbc                      -5
+php4-overload                  -5
+php4-pcntl                     -5
+php4-pcre                      -5
+php4-pdf                       -5
+php4-pgsql                     -5
+php4-posix                     -5
+php4-program                   -5
+php4-pspell                    -5
+php4-qtdom                     -5
+php4-readline                  -5
+php4-recode                    -5
+php4-shmop                     -5
+php4-snmp                      -5
+php4-sockets                   -5
+php4-sybase                    -5
+php4-sybase-ct                 -5
+php4-sysvmsg                   -5
+php4-sysvsem                   -5
+php4-sysvshm                   -5
+php4-tokenizer                 -5
+php4-wddx                      -5
+php4-xml                       -5
+php4-xmlrpc                    -5
+php4-xslt                      -5
+php4-yaz                       -5
+php4-yp                                -5
+php4-zip                       -5
+php4-zlib                      -5
 php-bcmath                     -5
 php-bzip2                      -5
 php-calendar                   -5
 php-cgi                                -5
 php-cli                                -5
 php-common                     -5
-php-cpdf                       -5
 php-ctype                      -5
 php-curl                       -5
 php-dba                                -5
 php-dbase                      -5
-php-dbx                                -5
-php-dio                                -5
+php-dom                                -5
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>

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