The branch 'dev-8.0' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch.

Commits removed from the branch:

  92f6ea5... Enable ext-json being always built
  a1c04cc... Update shared.patch
  bf859db... Drop bug-52078-fileinode.patch
  2f47fe1... Update php-ini.patch and opcache.ini
  ad7b7af... Update both-apxs.patch
  1c9ef3b... Update to 8.0.0rc1
  1f6c7d2... Bulding embed is broken
  44287d5... fixup! Enable ext-json being always built

Commits added to the branch:

  3382407... Enable ext-json being always built
  d9f1af7... Update shared.patch
  f56d706... Drop bug-52078-fileinode.patch
  fd83cc8... Update php-ini.patch and opcache.ini
  8b96ecd... Update both-apxs.patch
  704e26a... Update to 8.0.0rc1
  2d53431... Bulding embed is broken
  6b96e74... Updated php-sapi-ini-file.patch
  6cfd6f4... Merge -readline.patch into -shared.patch
  b886188... Update zlib-for-getimagesize.patch
  eadfe6c... Update php-use-prog_sendmail.patch
  3812f95... Update libdb-info.patch
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