Author: glen   Date: Mon Apr 24 21:09:33 2006 GMT
Module: PLDWWW   URL:
---- Log message:
initial draft from 29.12.2005

---- Page affected: Documentation/Webapps

---- Diffs:

New page:
why webapps is better than apache_config_* macros

1. unified structure. all configs are in /etc/webapps/$webapp
admin is not confused, where's the config for app foo

2. simplier
no fancy rpm macro options, due layout being unified in front

3. can have multiple webapps configuration per .spec
the limitation is because symlink used is %{name} which you can't override in
spec. this is not hard to overcome, but it still exists.

4. no confusing numbers
using config load order is not possible. you don't have to figure out the
number and use cryptic numbers. eventually everybody will use number 99.

5. there's cli
there's cli program which you can use to view add and remove webapp links

6. separate apache configs
apache 1.3 and apache 2.x can have different configs, so you can create
different setup for different vhosts. this is not actually a limitation.

7. free for other webservers
it is open to add any webserver. lighttpd has hooks but nobody has made any

8. you can have "modules"
you can have a webapp to have subwebapp. say horde is the main package, and
horde/imp is horde module. then the webapp name for horde-imp is "horde/imp".
the way the config symlinks are created module webapp configs are loaded before
master. this allows you define /horde alias in main application and /horde/imp
in sub application. it's transparent, you don't even have to think about that.

# ls -l /etc/apache/webapps.d/drupal*.conf
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 39 Dec  5 20:51 
/etc/apache/webapps.d/drupal-tinymce.conf -> 
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 31 Dec  9 19:14 /etc/apache/webapps.d/drupal.conf -> 

9. webapps do not have to be rpm packages
in case you have application that's not rpm package, you can achieve similiar
effect. as the program to register is available outside rpm macros.
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