commit a1c24124cba112ec461cb3edf9e2eb882348d714
Author: Witold Filipczyk <>
Date:   Mon Feb 26 16:56:46 2024 +0100

    - 24.01.95

 ka5-kalk.spec | 42 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ka5-kalk.spec b/ka5-kalk.spec
index 0caf2e2..08ba5c6 100644
--- a/ka5-kalk.spec
+++ b/ka5-kalk.spec
@@ -1,40 +1,39 @@
 # Conditional build:
 %bcond_with    tests           # build with tests
-%define                kdeappsver      23.08.4
+%define                kdeappsver      24.01.95
 %define                kframever       5.94.0
 %define                qtver           5.15.2
 %define                kaname          kalk
 Summary:       kalk
 Name:          ka5-%{kaname}
-Version:       23.08.4
-Release:       1
+Version:       24.01.95
+Release:       0.1
 License:       BSD 2 Clause/BSD 3 Clause/GPL v2+/GPL v3+
 Group:         X11/Applications
-# Source0-md5: 693663585f2bd818b582df22caf13dc0
+# Source0-md5: f26c50a75732d2962896b5c1453fc40c
-BuildRequires: Qt5Core-devel
-BuildRequires: Qt5Gui-devel
-BuildRequires: Qt5Network-devel >= 5.15.10
-BuildRequires: Qt5Qml-devel >= 5.15.10
-BuildRequires: Qt5Quick-controls2-devel
-BuildRequires: Qt5Quick-devel
-BuildRequires: Qt5Test-devel
-BuildRequires: Qt5Widgets-devel
+BuildRequires: Qt6Core-devel
+BuildRequires: Qt6Gui-devel
+BuildRequires: Qt6Network-devel >= 5.15.10
+BuildRequires: Qt6Qml-devel >= 5.15.10
+BuildRequires: Qt6Quick-devel
+BuildRequires: Qt6Test-devel
+BuildRequires: Qt6Widgets-devel
 BuildRequires: bison
 BuildRequires: flex
 BuildRequires: gettext-devel
 BuildRequires: gmp-devel
-BuildRequires: kf5-extra-cmake-modules >= 5.89.0
-BuildRequires: kf5-kconfig-devel >= 5.89.0
-BuildRequires: kf5-kcoreaddons-devel >= 5.89.0
-BuildRequires: kf5-ki18n-devel >= 5.89.0
-BuildRequires: kf5-kirigami2-devel >= 5.89.0
-BuildRequires: kf5-kunitconversion-devel >= 5.89.0
+BuildRequires: kf6-extra-cmake-modules >= 5.89.0
+BuildRequires: kf6-kconfig-devel >= 5.89.0
+BuildRequires: kf6-kcoreaddons-devel >= 5.89.0
+BuildRequires: kf6-ki18n-devel >= 5.89.0
+BuildRequires: kf6-kirigami-devel >= 5.89.0
+BuildRequires: kf6-kunitconversion-devel >= 5.89.0
 BuildRequires: mpfr-devel
 BuildRequires: ninja
-BuildRequires: qt5-build >= %{qtver}
+BuildRequires: qt6-build >= %{qtver}
 BuildRequires: rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.164
 BuildRequires: shared-mime-info
 BuildRequires: tar >= 1:1.22
@@ -53,7 +52,8 @@ Kalk is a convergent calculator application built with the 
Kirigami framework.
        -G Ninja \
        %{!?with_tests:-DBUILD_TESTING=OFF} \
        -DHTML_INSTALL_DIR=%{_kdedocdir} \
 %ninja_build -C build
 %if %{with tests}

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