On Sat, Dec 10, 2005 at 09:11:50PM +0100, Marcin Król wrote:
> > The time has almost come.
> That can't be... ;)
> > There will be one more bigger move from ready to main but it will be the 
> > last 
> > one. Futher updates to main tree won't be allowed unless it's important 
> > bugfix or missing package.
> And we'll finish the way Ra did.

Ra was OK as stable system for servers for about a year.
Ac should be released two years ago ;)

> > It's time to start playing with PLD Th.
> Yes, it is indeed. How about making Th "always in developement" like it 
> was proposed on devel-pl (or discuss, I'm not sure).

It will probably be for some time.
And there will probably be some moment to make it (more) stable later.
But... who knows now.

Jakub Bogusz    http://qboosh.cs.net.pl/
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