On Wed, May 17, 2006 at 01:05:34PM +0200, Adam Gołębiowski wrote:
> On Wed, May 17, 2006 at 12:51:23PM +0200, Jan Rekorajski wrote:
> > > On Tue, May 16, 2006 at 06:03:32PM +0200, Jan Rekorajski wrote:
> > > > http://hedera.linuxnews.pl/_news/2006/05/16/_long/3852.html
> > > > http://blogs.sun.com/roller/page/webmink?entry=jdk_on_gnu_linux_something
> > > 
> > > Great. 
> > > 
> > > Maybe we could rebuild openoffice 1.x with java support, prepare
> > > eclipse and push those to Ac.
> > 
> > openoffice 1.x? You must be joking. OOO 2 is the only version acceptable
> > for AC.
> I tried to build ot amd64, but it fails (g++ falls in an endless loop),
> and from what I googled, it seems like it is a bug in gcc 3.3.x. And I
> haven't tried other archs.
> Since we won't switch to gcc 3.4.x, we'll have to use ooo 1.1.x

Which isn't available for x86_64 too, so it doesn't matter.

Jakub Bogusz    http://qboosh.cs.net.pl/
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