On Fri, Jul 20, 2007 at 11:24:49AM +0200, Tomasz Wittner wrote:
> On Thu 19. of July 2007, 16:04, Elan Ruusamäe wrote:
> > On Thursday 19 July 2007 11:44:14 Marcin Król wrote:
> > > > not sure how to put this in proper words, but querying binheader
> > > > results this, one should query srcheaders.
> > >
> > > Anyone brave enough to make requried changes into builder script? :)
> >
> > well. somebody mentioned that builder script should not depend on any
> > higher language liker perl.... so...
> But why? Better have broken tool than use suitable language?

Better broken in some corner cases than unusable for bootstrap...
(anyway, redefining Version in middle of .spec is tricky, as you can see
from %{version} behaviour)

Jakub Bogusz    http://qboosh.pl/
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