Dnia niedziela, 10 sierpnia 2008, Adam Golebiowski napisał:
> More official:
> There's a rule here that a candidate must get ok's from three developers
> before he can be given a r/w cvs/svn access. I remember patrys already
> voted yes, you got more vote here, I guess we can manage to find one more.
> So it's up to you.


It'd be way cool to have a dev named "Zsolt Udvari". It's like having a name 
in rot13 or sth :)

That's three votes 'yes', so mail a crypt(?) of your password and a username 

Judge others by their intentions and yourself by your results.
                                                                 Guy Kawasaki
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time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.
                                                                  Oscar Wilde
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