On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 04:11:54AM +0200, Elan Ruusamäe wrote:
> 1. what's the point of such macros?
> $ rpm -E '%pyrequires_eq  python-libs'
> Requires:       python-libs
> $ rpm -E '%pyrequires_eq  python-modules'
> Requires:       python-modules

in the past it was evaluating to

    Requires:       python-modules >= 2.5 < 2.6

(assuming that you python 2.5 is installed)

who changed that and why... i have no idea. having the pyrequires_eq macro
in current state is pointless.


    cvs log rpm-macros.python
    cvs up -r 1.4 rpm-macros.python


    wrobell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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