Patryk Zawadzki writes: 

> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 10:49 AM, wrobell <> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 07:18:57AM +0100, Jakub Bogusz wrote:
>>> Why mess? This is exact condition. 
>>> If some day Ac goes to python 2.5 (unlikely, but...), such distro-line
>>> conditions will need to be changed.
>> so new bcond for other languange in AC. for some framework new bcond as
>> well...  and so on? do you want to track all of them?
> The whole point being: egg-info files are python 2.5+-specific, not 
> Th-specific.

good point :] 

some want to support AC on HEAD - that's all. 

we do _not_ want to support python 2.4 on HEAD, do we?
well, until you want to live in hell :P 

it is really amazing. we started with one ac bcond in xulrunner.spec
and we will have over 20 specs affected (python), more when the rest
follows. i wonder who will cleanup this mess in the future. 


   wrobell <>
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