Pawel Golaszewski <> [12-03-2009 09:50]:
> On Wed, 11 Mar 2009, Jakub Bogusz wrote:
>> Whatever, but please don't invent some yet again "base" architecture 
>> prefixes (there is %{_target_base_arch} already). Anyway there is no 
>> need to use architecture name in %{_libdir} subdirectory (multilib is 
>> already handled by different %{_libdir} value).

> Simple:
> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/

/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/ would do.

>> BTW, Debian doesn't use this part of path at all - just perl version 
>> number.
> ...and we should follow that...

No, we have no obligation to follow Debian about this.

Radosław Zieliński <>

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