On Sun, May 02, 2010 at 05:38:14PM +0200, Paweł Zuzelski wrote:
> or I'm missing something?
> mkdir /th
> poldek --update --upa
> rpm --initdb -r /th
> poldek -r /th
> poldek> install geninitrd
> (...)
> error: open of 
> /root/tmp/poldek-cache-root/http_ftp.sk.pld-linux.org.dists.th.PLD.i686.RPMS/ldconfig-2.11.1-5.i686.rpm
>  failed: No such file or directory
> error: open of 
> /root/tmp/poldek-cache-root/http_ftp.sk.pld-linux.org.dists.th.PLD.i686.RPMS/filesystem-3.0-34.i686.rpm
>  failed: No such file or directory
This part exactly:

%if "%{pld_release}" != "ac"
%pretrans -p <lua>
-- this needs to be a dir
if posix.stat("/usr/include/X11", "type") == "link" then
        -- feel free to write in pure lua, but success on first install is not 
        os.execute("umask 022; mv -f /usr/include/X11{,.rpmsave}; mkdir -m755 
-p /usr/include/X11 && mv -f /usr/include/X11.rpmsave/*

Makes rpm lose track of current root directory. That is, it is unnable
to exit the chroot correctly before continuing instalation.

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