On Tuesday 04 May 2010 12:17:41 Jacek Konieczny wrote:
> My proposition:
> - packages will provide upstart configuration files in /etc/rc.d/upstart
> - those could be linked or copied to /etc/init/subsys when needed
>   - chkconfig would link/unlink the files when requested (global
>     configuration option and command line option to prefer upstart)
>   - user could copy them manually and modify them if needed

i don't like the idea that the links are managed via some script, i'd like 
easily to boot to upstart-mode or sysvinit-mode with a kernel commandline, or 
something in /etc/sysconfig/system the both solutions should be available and 
configured at the same time.

also i'd not invent new paths, but use /etc/init for upstart scripts.

> - rc-scripts won't start/stop services via /etc/rc.d/init.d scripts when
>   /etc/init/subsys/$name exists
> - 'service' script would use 'initctl' instead of /etc/rc.d/init.d
>   when /etc/init/subsys/$name exists
> - scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d would emit 'started' and 'stopped'
>   events when necessary, so upstart services can rely on that

otherwise matches quite much with my vision...

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