I have a LVM volume group, created over three logical partitions:

  # fdisk -l /dev/sda | grep LVM
  /dev/sda5            2676        8754    48829536   8e  Linux LVM
  /dev/sda6            8755       14833    48829536   8e  Linux LVM
  /dev/sda7           14834       19457    37142248+  8e  Linux LVM

It contains a single LVM volume:

  # lvscan
    ACTIVE            '/dev/vg/home' [60.00 GiB] inherit

The volume has been formatted for LUKS using cryptsetup, and an ext4
partition has been created:

  # service cryptsetup start
  Starting disk encryption...........................................[ BUSY 
]Enter passphrase for /dev/vg/home: 
                                                                     [ DONE ]
  # tail -n1 /etc/crypttab 
  home  /dev/vg/home  none
  # grep mapper.home /etc/fstab
  /dev/mapper/home  /nhome    ext4  defaults    1 2
  # mount /nhome
  # mount | grep nhome
  /dev/mapper/home on /nhome type ext4 (rw)

So far, so good.  But rc-scripts try to start the encryption first, and
scan for the LVM volumes later, so it fails at boot time.

Question: what is the correct way of solving it?

(Current workaround: rc.local, but I'd prefer to get rid of it.)

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