On Wed, 24 Aug 2011, Tomasz Pala wrote:
> >> > 1. Make separate subpackage with completion files with proper requires 
> >> >    (prefered method).
> >> This is overkill.
> > why? It's nice, IMHO. Wan't some completion? Install proper package.
> 1. one needs to know he wants the completion - as they exist for a very 
>    limited set of programs only.
> 2. one has to perform additional action - while it might just work OOTB.
> 3. it eats space (additional rpm/poldek indexes) and clutters rpm -q.
> As a conclusion of 1 and 2: if new completion arise, it won't 
> automagically show up after upgrade.

If you see better method right now - you are welcome.
But DO THIS, don't talk about "how rpm should work". Any of us know it.

> Otherwise why don't separate each man page? We could get rid of
> /usr/share/man from FHS (let's say we create FHS-man subpackage).

Reductio ad absurdum

Maybe each file in filesystem? :P

pozdr.  Paweł Gołaszewski          jid:blues<at>jabber<dot>gda<dot>pl
If you think of MS-DOS as mono, and Windows as stereo, then Linux is Dolby
Pro-Logic Surround Sound with Bass Boost and all the music is free.
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