On 24.09.2012 16:34, Jeffrey Johnson wrote:
>last time i had upgraded python and found that moinmoin stopped working on it, 
so some symlinks (it was easier to symlink files and then rm ones i did not want 
to downgrade) and rpm -Fhv *.rpm --downgrade --nomd5
Your symlink trick is clever but I don't recall any serious measurement of 

it's not because of performance, it's because this how i picked packages to downgrade:
0. cd /var/spool/repackage
1. ln -s */python*.rpm .
2. ln -s */somethingelse* .
3. rm *not*this*.rpm *not*that*.rpm
4. ls # to verify

or you mean my own performance? yes, i performed the upgrade a lot faster than looking each package which needed downgrade as well due new python bytecode dependency missing :)

i personally don't like --force & --nodeps (like gotar snippet),
so i tried to pick packages that resulted all dependencies remaining okay after downgrade.

>and a result:
>$ pkgbytime |grep 'Sun Sep 16 16'
>Sun Sep 16 16:02:38 2012 python-libs-2.6.5-3.i686
>Sun Sep 16 16:02:40 2012 python-modules-2.6.5-3.i686
>Sun Sep 16 16:02:41 2012 python-2.6.5-3.i686
>Sun Sep 16 16:02:42 2012 python-PyXML-0.8.4-8.i686
>Sun Sep 16 16:02:43 2012 python-devel-tools-2.6.5-3.i686
>Sun Sep 16 16:02:44 2012 pydoc-2.6.5-3.i686
>Sun Sep 16 16:02:44 2012 python-pylibacl-0.2.2-2.i686
>Sun Sep 16 16:02:44 2012 python-pyxattr-0.4.0-2.i686
>Sun Sep 16 16:02:46 2012 python-itools-0.13.2-2.noarch
>Sun Sep 16 16:02:47 2012 python-configobj-4.5.3-2.noarch
>Sun Sep 16 16:02:47 2012 rdiff-backup-1.2.8-1.i686
>Sun Sep 16 16:02:48 2012 apache-mod_python-3.3.1-10.i686
>Sun Sep 16 16:07:00 2012 moinmoin-1.5.8-1.noarch
Is this result successful or not?
yes py 2.7 -> py 2.6 downgrade was success


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