On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 04:58:01PM +0100, Jacek Konieczny wrote:
> Hello,
> Since when is this an error? RPM5?
> > error: File(s) packaged into both bacula-console-wx-5.2.12-1.x86_64 and 
> > bacula-console-qt4-5.2.12-1.x86_64:
> >        /usr/share/pixmaps/bacula.png
> from:
> http://buildlogs.pld-linux.org/index.php?dist=th&arch=x86_64&ok=0&name=bacula&id=9c2d1726-4c45-4a22-8b84-2d616936e040&action=tail
> It was often very handy to package a file into several packages ??? no
> need to create a 'common' subpackage every time a few, possibly
> alternative, sub-packages required the same file.
> Is such behaviour an error now? Or have I missed some more serious problem?

Since RPM5. It's configurable, the default is an error in PLD.
Probably can be disabled in spec.

Jakub Bogusz    http://qboosh.pl/
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