our triggers and restart's still can't fix the disaster of broken cron service!
...at least on ac nodes


another machine where cron fails with account expired... solved by crond restart:

13:43:17 root[load: 0.26]@smtp /etc# service crond status
crond (pid 4600) is running...

13:46:37 root[load: 0.17]@smtp /etc# tail /var/log/cron
Jan 31 13:37:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[5164]: PAM ERROR: User account has expired Jan 31 13:38:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[5219]: PAM ERROR: User account has expired Jan 31 13:39:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[5277]: PAM ERROR: User account has expired Jan 31 13:40:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[5317]: PAM ERROR: User account has expired Jan 31 13:41:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[5429]: PAM ERROR: User account has expired Jan 31 13:42:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[5832]: PAM ERROR: User account has expired Jan 31 13:43:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[5876]: PAM ERROR: User account has expired
Jan 31 13:43:13 smtp crontab[6236]: (root) LIST (root)
Jan 31 13:44:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[6365]: PAM ERROR: User account has expired Jan 31 13:44:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[4600]: (system_u) RELOAD (/etc/cron.d/chef-client)

13:46:40 root[load: 0.17]@smtp /etc# service crond restart

good news is that service crond restart "fixed" it :

Jan 31 13:48:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[7006]: (*system*) RELOAD (/etc/cron.d/chef-client) Jan 31 13:48:01 smtp /USR/SBIN/CROND[7143]: (root) CMD (LC_ALL=en_US.utf8 /usr/bin/chef-client)

cron probably broken since cronie upgrade:

 13:51:49 root[load: 0.08]@smtp /etc# pkgbytime |grep glibc
Thu Jun 14 16:59:17 2012 glibc64-2.3.6-20.amd64
Thu Jun 14 16:59:20 2012 glibc-misc-2.3.6-20.amd64
Mon Jan 13 14:41:27 2014 glibc-localedb-delfi-1.11-1@2.3.6.amd64

13:55:07 root[load: 0.19]@smtp /etc# pkgbytime pam
Wed Jun 10 04:42:09 2009 pam-0.80.1-19.amd64
Wed Jun 10 04:42:09 2009 pam-libs-0.80.1-19.amd64
Thu Jun 21 09:15:56 2012 pam-pam_ldap-183-1.amd64

13:51:55 root[load: 0.07]@smtp /etc# pkgbytime |grep cron
Mon Jan 13 14:41:01 2014 cronie-1.4.8-18.amd64

yep, cron.log confirms this:

Jan 13 10:01:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[18476]: (root) CMD (/bin/run-parts /etc/cron.hourly) Jan 13 11:01:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[23334]: (root) CMD (/bin/run-parts /etc/cron.hourly) Jan 13 12:01:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[29047]: (root) CMD (/bin/run-parts /etc/cron.hourly) Jan 13 13:01:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[3504]: (root) CMD (/bin/run-parts /etc/cron.hourly) Jan 13 14:01:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[8584]: (root) CMD (/bin/run-parts /etc/cron.hourly)
Jan 13 14:41:04 smtp crontab[12667]: (root) LIST (root)
Jan 13 14:41:20 smtp crontab[13158]: (root) LIST (root)
Jan 13 14:42:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[4600]: (system_u) RELOAD (/etc/cron.d/crontab) Jan 13 15:01:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[15536]: PAM ERROR: User account has expired Jan 13 15:24:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[16620]: PAM ERROR: User account has expired Jan 13 16:01:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[20953]: PAM ERROR: User account has expired Jan 13 16:24:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[22369]: PAM ERROR: User account has expired Jan 13 17:01:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[26352]: PAM ERROR: User account has expired Jan 13 17:24:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[27546]: PAM ERROR: User account has expired
Jan 13 17:32:33 smtp crontab[29068]: (root) LIST (root)
Jan 13 18:01:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[32141]: PAM ERROR: User account has expired Jan 13 18:24:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[985]: PAM ERROR: User account has expired Jan 13 19:01:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[4421]: PAM ERROR: User account has expired Jan 13 19:24:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[5593]: PAM ERROR: User account has expired Jan 13 20:01:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[8870]: PAM ERROR: User account has expired Jan 13 20:24:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[10058]: PAM ERROR: User account has expired Jan 13 21:01:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[13387]: PAM ERROR: User account has expired Jan 13 21:24:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[14283]: PAM ERROR: User account has expired Jan 13 22:01:01 smtp /usr/sbin/crond[17441]: PAM ERROR: User account has expired


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