On Sat, 27 Sep 2014, Marcin Krol wrote:

> > So... Any chances to get that ACL done? Come on guys, it will take about
> > 30 seconds.
> FYI: I got data I needed the other way. I no longer need this rsync 
> access. Thanks for your prompt response to my request (sarcasm intended).

I do have a life beside PLD and was AF(private mail) for a week.
But it wouldn't work anyway, as rsync ACLs are IP based.

> Note to baggins (or repo admins): you are free to perform further git 
> cleanup and remove all remaining pollution (all auto/ti/ tags). In fact 
> I'm asking you to do so. No joking here, really, I want them gone. I 
> want every single bit of TLD related stuff to be removed from PLD 
> packages git repository.

If that's what you wish, but I'll do this If/when I have time to waste.

Jan Rękorajski                                 | PLD/Linux
SysAdm                                         | http://www.pld-linux.org/
pld-devel-en mailing list

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