On Nov 3, 2014, at 3:53 PM, Elan Ruusamäe wrote:

> seems rpm 4.5.15 creates rpms that rpm 4.5 is unable to install.

Why are you still using rpm-4.5? Presumably yopu mean 5.4.15.

> this sounds soo familiar already. something like payload not padded, 
> containing random memory etc...
> Executing rpm --upgrade -vh --root / --define _check_dirname_deps 1...
> error: jenkins-1.580.1-1.noarch.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA1 signature: BAD, key 
> ID 403fdcd0
> error: jenkins-1.580.1-1.noarch.rpm cannot be installed
> error: jenkins-plugin-maven-1.580.1-1.noarch.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA1 
> signature: BAD, key ID 403fdcd0
> error: jenkins-plugin-maven-1.580.1-1.noarch.rpm cannot be installed
> those rpms ARE NOT signed. raw what rpmbuild wrote.
> rpm used in build machine:
> $ rpmbuild --version
> rpmbuild (RPM) 5.4.15
> $ rpm -q rpm-build
> rpm-build-5.4.15-1.i686
> rpm used in target machine:
> # rpm --version
> RPM version 4.5
> # rpm -q rpm
> rpm-4.5-70.i686
> i've placed the offending rpm's here:
> http://carme.pld-linux.org/~glen/rpm5/
> (filenames you already know in case mod_dirlisting is not working)

The RSA v4 keyid is not correctly implementedin rpm-4.5. Use DSA or go fix 

All packages produced by rpmbuild-5.4.15 are signed automatically. Been that way
for several years.

73 de Jeff
> -- 
> glen
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